chapter 18

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                   Mady's POV

I woke up to see Chaz next to me I felt a spark of joy. He turned around and opened his eyes I loved to look at his beautiful brown eyes.

"Morning" he said

"Morning what time is it?" I asked

"Ummm 8:30." He said

"Wanna go down stairs and have some breakfast I will cook!" He said joyfully

"Ok be down is it ok if I grave a quick shower?" I asked

"Of course take as long as you need baby." He said

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed my bag and went into his bathroom. I grabbed a 5 minute shower then brushed my teeth and put my hair in a pony tail. I opened the bathroom door and went down stairs in the kitchen where Chaz was making food. I smiled and he smiled back.

"Hope you like pancakes cause that's the only thing I could make." He said

"Pancakes are perfect." I said smiling we both sat down and ate our breakfast. After that we watched TV Chaz wasn't ganna drop me off till one o'clock. We were watching Jersy Shore Snooki reminded me a lot like Vanessa. Legit I think they are twins. After we watched TV we went to Ryan's house he lived right down the street so we walked there. Chaz knocked on Ryan's door.

"Hey bro" Ryan said opening the door

"Come on in!" Ryan said

Me and Chaz went inside the boys were talking about Hockey and video games I was awkwardly sitting on the couch listening. When they started to play Ryan's PlayStation 3 which I was a pro at playing at playing Madden on.

"Wanna play?" Chaz asked handing me a chance controller

"Sure" I said

The game stated and I was beating the shit out of them once the game ended they looked at me with wide eyes.

"Dame" Ryan said

"Wow I have the most beautiful girl in the world and the most coolest one ever!!" Chaz said

We played a few more round then we had to go cause it was already 12:30. I went inside Chaz's car and he stared the car and we drive off to Vanessa's house. Once we reached her house we pulled into the drive way and Chaz opened my door for me. I got out and have him a quick hug.

"Make sure to call me ok babe!" I said

"Of course I can't wait to see u again." He said

I looked Chaz right in the eyes he we both slowly leaned in until our lips connected I felt my heart race and butterfly's explode in my stomach. I slowly pulled aways and smiled I went inside Vanessa's house and Chaz left.

"Helooo!!" Vanessa said coming over and hugging me

"So how did it go?" She asked

"Great we kissed!!" I squealed

"Omg really" Justin said coming around the corner talking in a girly voice which made me laugh.

"Yeah it was amazing... So how have you guys been?" I asked

                Vanessa's POV

As Mady asked us that question I turned to Justin.

"Well were officially a couple!!" I squealed

"Yup" Justin said popping the 'p'

"Aww I always new that you guys would make a cute couple." Mady said

Me and Justin went into the living room and I went on my phone and he went on his. I got a message from Kiana my boss.

*text image*

-Hey Vanessa can you come into work tomorrow remember you have a fashion show so I would like you to come to work for the rest of the week. The fashion show is this Sunday you just need practice. Your work hours will be 10:00-6:00 until Sunday. On Sunday you have to be at work at 9:00 and the show ends at 10:00 P.M.

-sure sounds great see you then!

*text image over*

"Hey Babe wanna go to work with me tomorrow?" I asked

"Yeah sure it beats staying here alone." Justin said

Kinda short but hope u liked it!! 😘

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