Hey look, its me!

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So, I'm a new little biscuit to this "WattPad" app. And this little story is about about me. Kinda.

1- I don't read

2- I draw and listen to music a lot.

3- I'm friendly? Idk.

Hope you have an understanding of what I do. And I most likely will post drawings on this. Just sayin'.

Now, back to this story...?

I'm a person that is a little on the wayward side. Like, if you have a dog, wait, that's not a good example. Hmm, ah! If you like Justin Bieber, nope not that either. I could rant on about the Outsiders movie and slap someone if they said I could. That's a good example.

Anyways, enough said about me.

This story is gonna be full of weird things that happen in my life. Daily. And if I'm not on here at times, screw it. Wait till tomorrow or the next 'cuz I'm lazy.

(Sorry for wasting your time on this stupid story. :D)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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