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"But, dad-" Hiccup was cut off when his father shouted at him, "I DON'T CARE FOR YOUR GAMES HICCUP!!!" "Dad, I'm serious! I really shot down a Nightfury!" Hiccup pleaded, and his father shot him another glare. "There is no way you could have shot down a Nightfury." Stoik said, then stormed off. The whole village had overheard their argument, now they were laughing at Hiccup. He narrowed his eyes, and ran off. The teens of the village had seen him run, so, they followed him. Snotlout caught up to him, and punched Hiccup in the face. They all laughed at him, and he got up, and ran as fast as he could to the forest, and none of them followed him. When he finally came to his senses, Hiccup found himself standing in front of a Nightfury caught in a bola. He had found the dragon that he had shot down, and it was dead, or so he thought. Hiccup went up to the massive beast, and put his foot on it's side. "I have killed the almighty Nightfury!" He shouted, then it opened it's eyes and moved. 'It's not dead. well, I guess I have to kill it myself.' Hiccup thought, then he raised his dagger above his head, preparing to kill the dragon, but then, he looked into it's eye, and he saw himself. Hiccup then found himself cutting the ropes. "Just one more, hold still..." Hiccup muttered to the dragon, then it was free. It jumped on him, and roared as loud as it possibly could, then, it bit down hard on his arm, and Hiccup let out a pained scream. It let go of his arm, then ran away, and Hiccup passed out.

When Hiccup woke up, he found himself leaning against a dragon, it's wing was wrapped around him. He kept himself quiet, for he did not want to wake the dragon. He carefully pulled his arm out from under him, and he saw that it was still bleeding. Suddenly, he felt a small breath on his neck. Hiccup slowly turned his head, and came face to face with the mighty beast. It looked at him, and Hiccup smiled at it, because he was so scared he didn't know what to do. The dragon curiously tilted it's head a bit, then it smiled back. 'Why is it not ripping me apart?' Hiccup thought, and the dragon started to get up. 'Never mind...' He thought sadly, knowing the dragon would probably kill him now. Hiccup closed his eyes as the dragon got up, and he prepared himself for pain. It never came. He curiously opened his eye, and saw the dragon sitting right in front of him. "Why aren't you killing me or shredding me apart?" He wondered aloud. "Uh, why would I kill my pet?" The dragon asked. "Uh, I don't kn- WAIT!!!!! DID YOU JUST SPEAK TO ME????!!!!!!" Hiccup shrieked, and he fell backwards. "WAIT! YOU CAN UNDERSTAND ME!!!???" The dragon shrieked back, and it too, fell backwards. "How is that possible!?" Hiccup said fearfully. "Uh-oh..." The Nightfury looked at the bite mark on Hiccup's arm. "Uh-oh what?" Hiccup growled. " will find out later.....and I'm sorry for the bite and what will soon happen to you...." It trailed off. "What do you mean by 'what will soon happen to me'? What's going to happen?" Hiccup asked, now curious. "YOU'LL SEE! But when it does happen, come back here as fast as you can, I will be waiting."  The Nightfury said, then got up and flew into a tree above Hiccup's head. "I have one last question before I go, what is your name?" He said, and the dragon responded sadly, "I don't have a name, when I hatched my mother, father, and siblings were all dead." "Oh... Can I give you a name?" Hiccup said, feeling bad for the dragon. At this the dragon perked up, "Yes! I would love a name!" It gave Hiccup a toothless smile. That gave Hiccup an idea. "How about 'Toothless'?" "YES! I love it! Toothless....." Toothless gave him another smile. "Well, I have to dad will probably kill me if I stay here any longer." Hiccup said, then he headed to the village.

"Where were you boy?!" Stoik said angrily. "I was out exploring the forest." Hiccup lied, and his father frowned. "Why are you holding your arm?" Stoik said, and raised his brow. " to hold my arm." Hiccup said slowly. "Oh, okay." Stoik said then turned around, and so did Hiccup. Suddenly, Stoik grabbed Hiccup's arm and looked at the bite. "Just like to hold your arm eh?" He growled, and examined the wound. "Okay fine, I found a dragon and I tried to kill it to make you proud, but it bit me and flew away." He lied again. "What kind of dragon was it? I have seen many bites, but none like this." Stoik said, still examining the wound. "A Nightfury..." He replied truthfully. "WHAT???!!! You ACTUALLY faced a Nightfury and lived??!!" Stoik shouted, clearly surprised. Hiccup flinched, and responded, "Yes, I did face a Nightfury." "We should get you to Gothi." Stoik said, with worry in his voice, which surprised Hiccup, so he looked at his arm. It was covered in black specks where the bite was. Hiccup's eyes widened, and they both immediately went to Gothi's hut. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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