Dirty little secret (zarry smut)

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xxx copyright from tumblr , this is NOT my work . creds to the author , she did a great job !

Harry turned his back to the photographer and then waited for a second before slowly and dramatically turning his head towards the camera, giving it a deer in the head-lights look that emphasized his signature emerald eyes.

"Yes, Harry. Just like that. Hold that pose." The photographer yelled from behind the camera as he snapped pictures at the rate of a hundred snaps per second. "The camera loves you, Harry!" His stylist yelled as she observed from the sidelines. Zayn rolled his eyes as he let out a quiet scoff. That pose looked a bit ridiculous. What were they thinking? He leaned back on the wall tapping his foot impatiently. Zayn was trying to be a supportive boyfriend but at this point his was almost at this end of the rope; they had been at this photo shoot for three hours going on four and Harry's entourage was getting on his last nerve. The stylist had her head up so far Harry's ass that he wasn't even sure how she could breathe anymore. And he didn't even want to get started on the photographer whose flash went off enough times to give an epileptic a seizure. The only thing that was keeping Zayn from bailing was Harry. His boyfriend's eyes were glowing and his smile was radiant; it was apparent he was basking in the adoration he'd received from the photographer and his stylist. Zayn gave Harry a thumbs up as he caught him looking his way. He knew it was a white lie but he couldn't help himself. He knew Harry loved solo photo shoots because he rarely ever got to do them so it was huge deal for him. The sexy smile Harry sent Zayn's way made his heart flutter and forget his irritation, even if it was only just for a bit.

"Sexy boy. Make it hot for me, yeah?" The stylist raised an eyebrow at the photographer, struggling to understand what he was trying to say. "Give me dirty boy, give me messy boy." The photographer tried as he moved his hands in a flamboyant manner. "Teenage girls love the dirty boy look" The stylist slowly nodded her head but the look of confusion remained on her face. She slowly went up to Harry and tousled his hair to roughen him up in order to give him that 'dirty, sexy boy look' that she thought that the photographer was struggling to communicate to her. The photographer's camera went off, but not as enthusiastically this time. After a few snaps he looked up at them from his lens looking put off by something. "It's not working. Something's just not right." He put the camera down. "We need to make it...edgier, somehow" he said standing up. "Break!" he yelled walking off the shoot. "I have to meet my girlfriend for lunch. And by the time we get back have him lose his clothes, let's get that edge back" He emphasized the word edge, clapping his hands for enthusiasm. He gave the crew a nod of approval before he left the studio, heading for lunch. "How'd I do, baby?" Harry asked heading towards Zayn "You looked hot." Zayn told him "Although those poses towards the end looked a little funny." "That was the point, Zayn!" He said taking his hand and leading him towards the dressing room. "How was I supposed to know?" Zayn asked chuckling as he felt his impatience wearing off now that Harry was in front of him. "With the way the photographer and your stylist over there were praising you...acting like you were the second coming of God." He continued as they passed his stylist. "If I didn't know better I'd think she has the hots for you." Zayn murmured to Harry lowering his voice "Well too bad for her because I have the hots for someone else..." Harry said lowering his voice to a seductive tone as closed the dressing room door behind him. "Hmm... and who might that be?" "A 5'9 sex god who's name rhymes with Wayne." Harry murmured as he pressed his lips against Zayn's. He smiled as he felt Zayn chuckle against his lips. "I want you to...remind me why my nickname for you is sex god" He whispered huskily "Don't you remember where we are?" Zayn asked breaking away from the kiss to look into Harry's eyes to see if he was serious "I'm serious." Harry asked reading his thoughts. "We have just enough time for a quickie." He muttered as he leaned in once again to kiss Zayn. "You've been such a good boyfriend...waiting 4 hours for me...you deserve to get laid." He husked. Harry's hand traveled down Zayn's body until he found his crotch. He rubbed his cock through his jeans relentlessly earning moans from the man. Harry moaned too when he felt Zayn's desire swelling up beneath his hand. He quickly took his Zayn's shirt off and his soon followed. He quickly ran his fingers through Zayn's abs before kneeling down so that his face was in front of Zayn's crotch. He quickly took Zayn's belt off and pulled down his pants. He watched through eyes clouded with lust as Zayn's erect member sprung out of his boxers. He wasted no time in wrapping his lips around Zayn's throbbing cock. Zayn bit his lip trying to stifle his uncontrollable moans. He put his hands on the back of Harry's head as he felt him beginning to deep throat him. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck", he moaned out "You like that?" Harry mumbled "I love that." Zayn threw his head back not even caring when it hit the wall hard. "You ok?" Harry stopped to look up at Zayn after he heard the hard thud. Zayn nodded quickly and putting his hands behind Harry's head once again, guiding his lips towards his cock. Harry continued to lick up and down Zayn's cock, while using his hands to masturbate him. He lowered his head, letting his tongue dance around Zayn's testicles causing him to let a grown. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." Harry eased his lips around Zayn's cock once more and began to work his tongue around Zayn's tip. He used the tip of his tongue to swirl over the hole causing Zayn to call out to God and curse at the same time. "Delicious" Harry murmured tasting Zayn's precum. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh f-f-fuck" Zayn stuttered "I'm s-s-s-o c-c-lose." "Fuck me in my mouth." Harry moaned Zayn gripped the back of Harry's head and began to move in and out of Harry's mouth with quick but hard thrusts. Bang! Bang! Bang! Just as Harry began to swallow Zayn's juices, he heard a bang on the door. "Harry, darling, we need you out on set" His stylist crooned from the other side of the door. "He's back from lunch" "One second!" he shouted. "Just enough time" Harry mumbled smirking as he got up from his knees. He licked his lips, savouring Zayn's taste. When he saw Zayn mutely imitating his stylist, Harry bit his lip, trying his hardest not to burst into laughter. "I love you." Harry mouthed to Zayn. "I love you too." He mouthed back as he reached for the door knob. 'Wait!" Zayn said grabbing Harry's wrist before he could twist the handle. "I think you're forgetting something he murmured, allowing his eyes scanned up and down Harry's body. 'Oh, yeah. Sorry." He whispered leaning in to peck Zayn. "Mmm...not that, although I loved that." Zayn chuckled. "Harry, your clothes." "Oh!" Harry exclaimed. Zayn gasped as he watched Harry wiggle his way out of his boxers "What are you doing?" "What?" Harry asked innocently as he flashed Zayn a naughty grin. "Photographer wanted me to lose my clothes when I got back on set. Something about a dirty, sexy boy look." "Well, that you've definitely achieved" Zayn affirmed motioning to the boy's sex hair and nude body. "Go get em, tiger." Zayn said slapping Harry's behind "Oh, that I will do" Harry said slipping out of the room, careful not to open the door too wide so that the stylist wouldn't see Zayn in there with his pants down. He closed it behind him quickly not wanting her to get a whiff of the smell of sex that permeated his dressing room. The photographer went wild when he saw Harry walking towards the shoot sans clothing. "That's it! The dirty, sexy boy look!" He said clapping his hands. "That's the edge! This is going to make the girls go wild" He said scurrying behind the lens as he snapped furiously. "That messy hair..." Snap. Snap. Snap. "That glowing skin..." Snap. Snap. Snap. "You went from Vogue ready goofball to looking like an Adonis in the time span of a lunch break." Snap. Snap. Snap.. "How did you do it? Seriously, man you look like sex on legs! Teach me your ways!" Snap. Snap. Snap. "This spread is going to sell like hotcakes!" The photographer shouted as he continued to snap, making no attempt to hide the green in his eyes. "Strike a pose for me, Harry!"

As Harry struck a sexy pose, his eyes caught a glimpse of Zayn creeping out of their dressing room. He blushed and he smirked when he thought about the naughty thing they did in that room not even five minutes ago. He caught Zayn glancing at him and started to eye-fuck him. The photographer, completely oblivious to the sexual tension present in the atmosphere went wild. "That look in your eyes...wow! You look like a fucking aphrodisiac in human flesh! How do you do it? Seriously! I want to know." Harry gave the photographer a clueless shrug as he struck another pose while continuing to eye fuck Zayn. The photographer would never know. Nobody would ever know. It was and would forever be him and Zayn's dirty little secret.

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