Chapter One: Thanatos 101

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A/N: Ok guys, this is not going to be a book written in chronological order. Meaning that I could go from a day where they are fighting villians in their final battle to the first day that they all met each other. The whole story will be told in about 800 days, but of course I won't write a chapter about every single day  because that's going to be too much, but here we go. Also there will be flashbacks as well as a lot of confusion. But that's why I am here to answer your questions. So this is the first chapter. I am basing my theme around paranomality and spirituality but am adding some sort of romances because its going to give to story a very troublesome plot. Hehehe anyways sorry for the long message but here we go! Enjoy! and leave comments, I really like reading those.


Chapter One: Thanatos 101

Day 42

Punching someone in the face was a pleasurable hatred.

But there's one thing you should know, it's that Will loved to punch anyone and anything. Especially Rain. 

"Will. You're not controlling the energy. All you're doing it punching Rain," commented Lum outside the square.

"Look, it may seem like it, but this hurts like hell, Master."

Rain's voice sounded muffled. He had a thin, protective layer of water covering his body. His brown fuzzy hair looked abnormal and the couple of holes Will was able to punch through showed the normal appearance of Rain's now bruised face.

"That means that your protection is not good enough, Water. Will is actually doing his job, you goon," said Ember, leaning on a wall behind her Master. Whenever Rain summoned water, she distanced herself as far away of him as possible and heated up her corner as much she could.

"No. Will is not doing anything. Concentrate and bend the energy."

Lum's voice was icy and all of the Seven could hear his frustration. Ember sent an intense glance at her Master, her face reddening, both of anger and embarrassment. But these comments only ticked Will off even more.

"Lum -" Suddenly, Will cried out in agony and fell on his knees. He put his hands on his right butt cheek and rubbed as gently as he could. He panted and sent a murderous glare at the Master. 

"Master," Will gritted in between his teeth, his French accent prominent during his anger, "this may have been a joy ride for you, but controlling the energy after years of - of - of torture, " he exploded,” brings a lot of trouble for me." 

He stood up on his feet again, only to wobble a little bit, the aftershock of his first pains hitting him. 

"If this too much of a nuisance for you, Energy, then leave. Water, you’re dismissed." The Master had spoken and the room dimmed in lighting, which was a very bad sign. Will was getting angrier by the second and sent a huge energy burst at the Water. Rain didn't have time to react as the blast approached. Lum sent a light blast at the ball of energy, which derived its trajectory right before hitting the Water.

"Rain!" yelled Ember across the room. She ran to him as he fell on his bum, dazed as he let his protective water wall splash to the floor. 

"Out of my sight William, before you cause any more trouble, you immature fool."

Ember cringed when she stepped into the water but checked out Rain. His eyes were wide and unfocused. She waved her hand in front of his face but did not get a reaction. Will grunted as he left the room, ready to cause more trouble outside. He slammed the door on his way out. Lum sighed and turned to face the two people on the ground. He watched as Ember's wild auburn hair cascaded around her waist. He watched the form of her hips jut out from her slim waist and how they merged with her bottom. Her long legs and her ... He lost his trail of thought. But he suddenly regained himself and shut the emotional door. 

"Water, snap out of it," he said. He lit an orb of light and sent it flying around his head, soothing the young man's head. The prominent scar across his face changed sizes as the shadows given from the orb danced on his features, Ember noticed.

Lily suddenly entered the room, Genie right behind her, guarding her every movement.

"What happened? We just saw Will in a frenzy leaving this room. Is everyone alright?” she worried. The Brazilian beauty, after reaching Rain’s eye, made the young man suddenly move again.

“Hey, Lily,” he said. He stood up quickly, startling Ember. She stood up again, and went back to her corner, watching everything from a distance.

 “Hi, Rain. Are you okay? Did Will hurt you?”

 Rain laughed and Genie narrowed his eyes.

 “Nah, don’t worry-“

 “Will sent an energy blast to him but Master stopped it before it hit Rain. The kid just fell down in shock, Lily. Let’s go back, there’s nothing to worry about,” interrupted Genie. Rain glared at him, grinding his teeth. Ember snorted in the corner and everyone turned to look at her.

 “Oh,” said Lily, “well, then I suppose that –“

 “Actually Nature, good timing. You and Fire are to train now,” spoke up Lum, “Head to the square and get ready. Fire is offense while Nature will take defense.”

 Ember cracked her neck and knuckles as she made her way to the square. Lily, with a worried face, looked at Genie. He read her mind and pecked her lips in luck before he gently pushed her to the square. 

 “Good luck,” he whispered to her. He went to position himself next to Lum to watch the battle.

 “Um, uh, good luck, Ember,” said Lily nervously.

 Ember rolled her eyes and mumbled. Genie sent her a look.


 Ember flashed a fire wave before Lily had time to turn around. It struck her on her back and she fell to her knees.

 “Nature, bring your walls up before she strikes again or Catalyst won’t be able to heal you tonight,” Lum spoke up, cringing.

 While Ember concentrated on building bigger flames, Lily stood up and muttered to herself. Vines started growing around her, building up a wall of vegetation thick enough to stop an axe. Ember ran across the square and kicked a fired foot right through the wall, missing Lily’s nose by an inch. The Nature duck and rolled out of the way as Ember destroyed the rest of the wall. Lily took the opportunity of the distraction to discreetly grow plants around the Fire’s legs. When Ember finally noticed the green plants around her legs, she started firing at them, but could only free one leg. Looking up, she saw Lily growing a tree at a fast pace, not five meters away.

 But not fast enough, thought Ember.

 “Lily! Watch out!” yelled Genie. But the Nature looked up too late as the fire blast hit her right on her chest. She fell to the ground as all of her plants slowly died.

 “Rain,” said Lum.

 The Water rushed to Lily’s side and splashed her with cold water. She panted roughly and sat on her ground, dry heaving. Genie made his way to his wife in record time, holding her hair back.

 “The fight was over way to soon Lillian. Your offense was too weak and your growth too slow. You got distracted and miscalculated your plants. If you keep up at this pace, you will never last in battle,” Lum said in an omnipresent voice.

“As for you Ember, your fighting was powerful but your movements imprecise. You let yourself get distracted by an unresponsive wall and couldn’t free yourself from a young plant. Had it been another fighter, you wouldn’t have won the battle.”

 “Had it been another fighter, I would have fought differently,” she shot back.

 “There is no mercy in battle, Fire. Next time, it is eat or be eaten.”

Lum turned around and left the room. Ember was bummed out and sighed. She felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and found Genie.

 “Thanks for going easy on her. She doesn’t like to fight and I appreciate your actions.”

 She nodded and watched as Rain applied more water to her burns.

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