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"No, I don't want to be a midwife I want to do a bloody music corse." "But you can't Anastasia, someone else has taken your place, she is very important!" "Who is she, the damn queen ?" "You will soon see when you get here Anastasia." Hi, I'm not Anastasia, well technically I am but everyone knows to call me Annie. Anastasia is too posh for my liking, It don't suit my name and I don't like it so I tweaked it to Annie and now it suits me much better. I have always wanted to be a musician but my grades were very poor when I was younger so my parents took me away to Australia to live there and forget the past. I don't like Australia, it's too hot and so boring there so now since yesterday I am back in London, thank god! I am re taking school at the age of 30, I know what you are thinking but it is better late than never! I love to sing, it is my passion, ever since I was 2 I hummed and sang along to anything I could. Someone has took my place on the music corse I was going to do! How rude is that, well I'm not standing for it, tomorrow morning I am going right up to that school and giving them a piece of my mind!

(Next morning)

It took me nearly an hour to look presentable today, my bloody hair wouldn't go through the brush and I splashed mouthwash all over my clean top, another day in paradise! I got to downfield after getting lost twice, it's on a weird colder-sack where there is only one way to get in so I drove round and round trying to find the entrance.  I got out of my car and went into reception.
"Hi, I'm Annie. It's my first day and the head master rang to tell me that my place in the music course is no longer available." "Hold on one second." She picked up an old age flip mobile and dialled a number. "She will see you now, first door on the left." I smiled as I walked past, that was easier than I thought! I knocked on the door gently. "Come in!" She said is quite a stubborn tone, I felt like I was 12 years old again being sent to the headmasters office for being naughty. "Hi, I'm Annie, I wanted to speak to you about the course I wanted to take." "Well yes, some of the adults said they no longer wanted to do it so if you want, you can have your place back." "Ah than-" sh didn't even let me finish "don't butt in when I'm speaking. You don't get off that easy, you are going to be the buddy of that important girl." "But, it's my first day here too and, I don't like engaging in conversation." "We all have to do things we don't like Anastasia." I sat waiting in a carpeted chair which was very uncomfortable in the heads office while she went to go and get the important person. I anxiously waited at the edge of my seat, who could it be? My mouth all of a sudden dropped.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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