He's just a story isn't he? (chapter one)

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The night started just like any other by lying in bed with the dark surronding me while thinking about what could happen tomorrow, as I quickly change my train of thought I cuddle up to the pillow next me while underneath the covers, Just as my eyes are starting to close, I hear a noise but quickly  ignore it thinking that it must just be my imagination but then I hear it a second time, I keep myself as still as possible  then I  calm my breathing as I start to notice a dark shadow creep closer, I jump with eyes wide open, my full weight against the wall next to me, now I am locking eyes with the man in front of me. I don't know how to react, "He cant be real!" I keep repeating to myself, "he's just a story... isn't he?" but if he is just a story he wouldn't have his eyes locked on mine right now, His name wasn't very well known but he is a ruthless killer or cannibal at least...
"You... your Eyeless Jack aren't you?" I mange to shakily get out of what little breath I have, He nod's and grips his scalpel tightly

"Your here for my kidneys aren't you?" I sigh and keep my eyes locked on him
he shakes his head "Im not very good at talking to girls..." he says shyly with  his left hand behind his neck
I give him a surprised look "Your not going to kill me?" he timidly says "No..." I give him a confused look and ask "Why?" he looks down and quietly says "I like you" I blush lightly and I think he does too but I cant tell because of his mask which shines a blue tinge in the darkness, Its quiet for a while until I break the silence by asking "Why did you bring that scalpel?" he looks at the scalpel in his right hand and says "I take it with me everywhere, if you want I can put it away if that would be better?" I nod while he puts the scalpel in his hoodie pocket, I pat my hand on the bed inviting him to sit beside me, He seamed unsure at first but then sat down "You... your not scared are you?" he stutters and looks down twiddling his thumbs, I look down and say "No..I was at first though" he turns his head to me and says "I could tell"  I look at him and ask "Can I turn the light on?" he nods and quietly says  "You might not like what you see"  I whisper before turning the switch "I'll take that chance"

Love in the Dark (Eyeless jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now