A sequel that told the prequel to "AND THEN THEIR WERE NONE" by: Agatha Christie

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Two young people were sitting in front of an ant hill. These two people were very much alike, not physically, but mentally. The both had the same mind set and way they had pleasure. It was a very hot day for James Wargrave and Vera Claythorne.

James picked up his magnifying glass and asked Vera,"you ready to have some fun?".

Vera who had been waiting for this event all day eagerly said,"I've been ready."

James had already started to place his magnifying glass over the ant hill, trying to get the perfect angle for a light beam to shoot out of the magnifying glass. Justice and Vera had been friends since the first grade and lived beside each other. They both had grown a wanting and pleasure for death, along with the pain it brings forth. 

Today they were going to find an ant hill, take a magnifying glass, and burn up some ants. James, and Vera both loved the sight of something dying painfully. As the ants were hit with the beam that came out of the killing weapon, the ants had twisted and turned as they felt the pain of them burning. 

Vera yelled,"Ouch!!"

James laughed at her,"aha, theirs ants biting you!! "

Vera was not happy at all. Her anger towards Justice started to grow as she stormed away toward her house. 

James, who was mad, said,"Then never come back. Act like a real woman for once!!"

Vera knowing how bad he would be told off decided to not tell him off. This would be where they started to grow apart. They never talked to each other. Vera had gotten over the little incident, but James never did. Vera now started to dislike killing and started to have a regular life. Jamess' parents grew in financial danger so they moved. 

Now James, he hadn't stopped with the pleasure of murder so he picked his job as a judge. Making decent money he helped his parents become financially supported. He now started to think of a better way of killing. The thing was, with every moment of his savoring pleasure came with guilt. He now started to think of a place where he could trap people and a way to kill them one at a time. He had earlier evaluated in school that he had a very creative mind.

James had a plan of what he was gonna do. He was gonna buy a perfect place where nobody would find his people for a long time. Justice started to make strategies of how things would play out. He decided that there would be ten people as his victims.

He still had that guilt so he tried to cover it up by doing two things:1. He would act like one of the ten victims and die with them 2. He would . He needed them to be confused and feel guilt, so he started to research and find out more  about them. He started to save up his money for everything. Everyday he researched finding 10 people with interactions with murder. He wrote up all of his plans on a long rolled up piece of paper. He had exposed his only friend to this plan too. James had finally finished his plan after repeating the victims names and what they are guilty of. James became sick the same month. The pain that the sickness bestowed upon him had gotten to where he could not bare it any longer. He killed himself the same day it became unbearable for him. 

His friend, became so mad with life that he decided to finish all what James had worked for. His friend was also a judge and barely sentenced anyone innocent. The pleasure of murder had now passed on to him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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A sequel that told the prequel to "AND THEN THEIR WERE NONE" by: Agatha ChristieWhere stories live. Discover now