Hey My name is Ashley Ferguson. I'm a 17 year old rich girl and my mom is making me move across the country to New York.We live in L.A. now and I don't want to leave.I have to leave all of my friends behind and only see them during the summer. All there name are Liza, David, Makaylah, Sofia, Coraima, and last but not least Elizabeth.Liza is my best friend and she is dating David.The are the most popular well that is after me.I hope to stay popular when I go to my new school.
Today is my last day at school and it is going to be tough.when I walk in all my friends come over with sad looks in there eyes. but then Liza comes in and says "my best friend looks nice". I giggle and say "I know right" My outfit below👇👇👇
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We all laugh and start walking to class.I did not have to do any work all day because I am not going to be there anymore lol. In a way I wish I was having to do work but you know it is what is is.I hate my mom for making me move.
I am at my last hour when my phone pings from the group chat
L:" are we all meeting up with you after school Ashley" A:" ya that is fine with me I need to say my goodbyes to everyone anyway" D:" I will be there" M:" I won't be able to be there I have cheer leading practice...it won't be the same without you being captain😭😭😭 D:" you can't miss one practice to come and say good bye to your friend" A:" no its okay David I understand why she can't come. They have nationals coming up and they need as much practice as they can get." M:"I'm sorry😳😳 A:" there is nothing to be sorry about so cheer up lol(Did y'all catch that cheer refrence) M:" I did lol" A:" okay well I need to go"
I turn my phone off and it continue to go off for the rest of the class.
I was driving home when I got a call from my mom
M:"Hey we are leaving a few hours earlier than planned. A:" what why?!?" M:" the landlord wants us there earlier so he can get to work on time. A:" okay ya whatever" M:" Ashley stop giving me attitude." A:" how can I when you are moving me all the way across the country" M:" I'm sorry but we have to move its for work" A:" Ya I know work is the most important thing to you" M:" that is not true and you know that...and when you get he you need to finish packing your room. A:" ya whatever"
Right after I say that I hung up and conutonued to drive home.I'm gonna miss this place...
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Like I said we have tons of money.I finished packing and I hears a knock at the door. I walk and open it and it was all my friend except for Makaylah because of cheer practice.We all said our final goodbyes and cried for awhile until my mom came home and said that it was time for us to go.All my friends waved as I drove off in the car. I cried so much that I cried my self to sleep.
I woke up to us at a gas station. M:" want anything" A:" ya to go back home" M:" Ashley we are moving and that is final so stop doing that" A:" Fine I will come in" M:" okay"
I went inside and used the bathroom and grabbed a few snacks and drinks and went back to sleep in the car. M:" Ashley we are here" A:" Hmmm what" M:" were here"
I sat up and looked out the window and saw this beautiful house...
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I walked inside and went straight to my room it was just as beautiful...
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I started to unpack and after awhile I gave up a and I decide to go to bed since it was 2 in the morning...I have been unpacking for 5 hours straight....