Worst Kept Secret

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It's crazy how just a few years ago I thought my life was over. But here I sit with an engagement ring on my finger happier than ever. Let me start from the beginning;

It was late 2011, I was in a treatment center just outside of my hometown Chicago. Well it really all began when I had been there for about a month, and thanksgiving was fast approaching. I was sitting at a window watching the rain trickle down the glass when two girls walked into the room gossiping about something.

I never really got along with any of the girls there. I talked to myself so they thought I was a freak and once they found out I was bisexual a lot of them really stayed away from me.

They mentioned something about Demi Lovato coming 'back' to talk to us. I turned to listen in on their conversation,

"It's true! She's bringing a camera crew along with her for some MTV thing" one of the girls exclaimed. They noticed my ease dropping and left the room.

(I'm gonna start writing in present tense now)

Hmm Demi Lovato.. Oh I remember she's in Camp Rock! those were my movies! I forgot about her.. She came to this treatment facility? I had no idea.

*one week later*

Girls were running around frantic putting on their best outfits, doing their hair and make up, all for Demi. A nurse walked into the room

"the crew will arrive in one hour ladies!"

I just sat at the window staring outside like always. I don't see what the big deal is. Demi is just some Disney star why is she even speaking to us? A girl, Lorraine I think her name is was pacing back and forth in front of the fire place across the room mumbling under her breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She stopped in her tracks and looked at me;

"I- I'm just figuring out what I'm going to say to Demi if I get to talk to her. She's so inspiring. She is the reason I found help, why I'm here today receiving treatment."

She told me all about Demi's story. Why she was at Timberline Knolls one year ago, what she's been doing since. Everything. By the time she was done talking some of the crew from MTV had arrived. They started setting up lights and microphones and rearranged the entire dinning hall.

We were called to the dinning hall. A man with a headset stood at the front of the room.

"Ms. Lovato will be arriving in just a few minuets, she's going to give her speech right here then where going to film a few things around the building." He smiled and walked away. cameramen continued setting up their gear.

All the sudden silence came over the room. Demi walked in with a camera crew behind her. I had no clue she had red hair! Last I remember was her jet black Camp Rock 2 hair. She looks amazing. They first did an interview with her in a session room. I assume it's a room she was familiar with, from her stay here.

She finally came in and gave her speech at first I wasn't really listening, my mind was off somewhere like always. But all the sudden the words she was speaking didn't seem rehearsed or planned, they were coming from her heart. I sat up in my seat and listened to every word. It was beautiful.

Then she asked if it was okay if she sang us a song!! We all cheered then a guy with a guitar came up behind her. She sang a song called "Skyscraper" and it was amazing just like her speech. By the end of the song I was crying. She looked me right in the eyes and smiled.

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