Teeth clenched, heart thundering in my ears and pulsing in my gut, my bones burned in defiant fury at the large masculine hand holding my jaw and keeping me still. Towering, dark- my opponent was as dangerous as he was revoltingly handsome.
My hand braceleted his wrist in kind to his bruising grip, my skin startlingly pale against his bronzed skin. I squeezed with all the strength I could muster while I snarled," What do you WANT?!"
I met his gaze and instantaneously wanted to spew from my roiling stomach. He knew despite my anger; fear, sharp and involuntary, sliced through my senses and he enjoyed it like any predator.
"Diana, you know what I want." He smiled, showing impressive white canines.
"Oh, do I?" Sarcasm rolled off my tongue, biting and defensive. I struggled within his grasp, instinct urging me to get out and go. Run, run, run far away from this threat. Run until my legs couldn't carry me. Then crawl.
He didn't tolerate the movement and slammed me against the wall of my temporary confinement.
"Diana! Daughter of the Moon and sister of the Mountains, I want a pack! I want an heir!"
Involuntarily, I gasped from the force of colliding with the wall and the terrible heavy power those words held. His bright emerald fire never left my eyes and my insides internally erupted in a thousand sensations, the introductory signal to a shift.
"And by all the stars in the damn sky, you'll give it to me!"

Daughter of the Moon
WerewolfDiana Gray is pureblood werewolf, and has just become Alpha of her widespread pack that she earned by birthright and inheritance. Losing her parents to a mysterious hunt, she has no one to turn to, no one to trust but herself in this time of unsettl...