Chapter 1: Unforgettable Detour

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Nexus: Hey, how close are we to the vortex?

Ship A.I.: We are approximately 0.021 km away from the vortex.

Nexus: Great. Now let's stop the ship here *yawns* and fly the rest of the way there. *rubs eyes*

Ship A.I.: Are you sure that's safe? You haven't had any sleep in 4 days.

Nexus: *yawns* Yeah, it'll be fine. [Walks off the bridge and into the hanger] You coming or what?

Ship A.I.: I have no choice in this matter. [Disconnects from ship's mainframe] *bzzts* With the state that you're in, I'm going to have to follow you to make sure you get there safely.

Nexus: Do you really have that little faith in me? [Opens hangar doors]

Ship A.I.: No, but you also never do well under these conditions.

Nexus: *sarcastic tone* What? How do I do poorly?

Ship A.I.: Do you want me to bring up the data logs with all your mistakes, again?

Nexus: Hm, well played. *yawns* But none the less I'll do fine this time.

Ship A.I.: You said that last time as well.

Nexus: [Steps towards the edge of the hanger door] You know, I can tell that you don't have any faith in my abilities *yawns*

Ship Broadcast - Nexus and Zeta. Preparing to launch in T-minus 3...2...1...launch initiated

[Both jump out into the empty void]

Nexus: A little late on that announcement, don't you think?

Zeta: Well maybe if you stopped ranting about this situation I could have done it quickly.

Nexus: What!? You're the o- *yawns* one that started this whole thing.

Zeta: Alright doesn't matter now, let's just hurry up and get you to the vortex before you’re late.

Nexus: *surprised* Shit! You’re right, I almost forgot about the meeting!

[The two begin to fly towards the vortex]

Nexus: *yawns* Okay, we made it. Now what is the time of e-entry. (Dammit, I'm starting to feel sleepy)

Zeta: It's at a .045 planklet interval.

Nexus: (Just a bit more then I can rest) A-Alright, let's go then.

Zeta: Got it.

[They begin to increase their speed and enter the vortex]

Zeta: How you holding up?

Nexus: I'm dong j-just fine.

Zeta: Just try to talk to me as well so I can know when you pass out.

Nexus: A-All right, but I'm telling you that I-I'm (Shit gonna pass out) fi..... [Goes unconscious and begins to fall]

Zeta: Huh!? You fucker! [Changes path towards the falling Nexus] I told you to rest, dammit! [Grabs] Got'cha!

[Nexus and Zeta get pulled into a random part of the vortex and get transported to another dimension]

--Time 9;03--

[Nexus begins to wake and gets a flash of sunlight in his eyes]

Nexus: Huh? W-what happened? [Gets up] W-where am I? A forest? [Starts to look around] Yo! Zeta, you there?


Nexus: What!? [Changes color and blends into the background] (If that's you Zeta, then you know better not to stay silent and sneak up on me)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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