Hair redder than this fire

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Chapter One

Hair redder than this fire.

It was a friggin' cold night when all hell came loose on my three favorite broskeys and I, and it all started with some innocent scary story-telling around a cozy fire. My stories were always the scariest, which is why they made me go last.

"Okay Becky, if you tell one more story about Hitler I'm kicking you out of the groupchat." Tyson spoke up, his man bun poised perfectly on top of his square-shaped head.

"Name me something scarier than Hitler, I'll wait." I crossed my arms and waited, shocked and disgusted by this show of disrespect.

"Your mom." Tyson didn't skip a beat while delivering me this burn.

"Bruh." Alice dropped her burnt marshmallow-on-a-stick.

"Well ya got me there, I'll go with something other than good ole' Hitler. Besides, I know something even scarier than him AND my mom," I ominously stared off into the distance for dramatic effect,"gingers."

"Becky I swear to everything unholy I'm going to burn down your house."Craig ran a hand over his chubby, greasy face in exhaustion.

"Okay, fine, whatever. Don't want to hear my award-winning story? You'll suffer the consequences." I pretended to be serious, even getting up and leaving the group to make them feel guilty.

But none of them cared and I made it all the way back to my tent without anyone saying anything. I plugged my phone up to my portable charger and scrolled through my stash of memes until I fell asleep.

I was rudely awoken by Craig unzipping my tent and jumping in,"EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!",before zipping it back up.

I reached for my flashlight and shined it on my new greasy tent mate,"What the actual heck are you doing?"

"We saw someone hiding in the bushes, freaked out, and I'm taking cover in here so I can use you as a sacrifice."

A deep scream came from outside of the safety of my tent,Craig snatching my flashlight and turning it off as to not draw any attention to ourselves.

"IF YOU COWARDS DON'T COME OUT HERE AND MAKE SURE IM OKAY RIGHT THIS INSTANT IM UNFOLLOWING ALL OF YOU ON TWITTER."Tyson yelled, and since we knew he wasn't bluffing, we all came out,even Alice who had been hiding in her own tent.

"Why'd you scream? I thought you were dead!" Alice threw her arms up in exasperation, still breathing heavily as her fear wore off.

"It was a test of loyalty and every single one of you failed. But, I scared the guy off." He smiled at us as my confusion started to clear up.

"Did you see who it was?" I asked, feeling nervous of my surroundings.

He scratched the top of his head,looking around,"I didn't see his face but he was ginger."

Goosebumps cascaded over my arms,taking a step back I asked,"And he was hiding in the bushes?"

All three of my friends nodded in unison as everything began clicking into place, except what seemed to be happening was impossible.

"That's how my scary story started out." I stated,earning an instant eye roll from Craig.

"Becky, please don't be trying to say what I think you're trying to say." He gave me a look that let me know he was not having it tonight.

I knew he was right,it just seemed so odd that the exact same scenario I had thought up would take place at the same time I'd imagined it in.

Alice sighed,pulling her jacket tighter against herself,"Maybe we should all just-"


My frustration molted into fear as two girls with ginger hair emerged from the woods, both staring me dead in the eye. All of us screamed and, for the first time in years, I broke out into a sprint. Everyone followed me as I ran out of the camp circle and into the woods, not slowing down for anything.

Although I should have known they were coming, that's what happened next in my story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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