Dark | z.m [au] |

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‘Please don’t hurt me.’ She begged grabbing the nearest thing to protect herself, she backed away. Afraid of him, the dark.

‘Why would I hurt you?’ his cold icy voice mumbled through the dark room. ‘Didn’t I just tell you why I wouldn’t hurt you?’ something warm brushed against her thigh making  her scream bloody murder.

His warm big hand wrapped around her mouth, making her loud screams muffled.

‘I was going to make you scream so loud differently.’ He smugly said pushing the shaking girl against him tightly. ‘ stop screaming and nothing will happen.’ He whispered coldly.

She nodded quickly and he let go of her. She backed away from him, looking up at his glowing eyes that peered at her like a predator looking at his prey.

She felt like a prey and she didn’t like it.

‘Wha-at a-are you?’ she asked and took another step back and moved her hand across the walls, trying to find a light switch.

‘You know what I am, so why even asked?’ A small chuckle left his mouth making the girl back away even more from him, his eyes were still looking at her like he wanted to eat her, eat her alive.

‘What do you want from me?’ she cried out and backed away even more gripping the cold metal knife in her hand tighter.

‘ You know what I want,’

‘ Please leave me alone.’ She cried harder, tears started to fall on her cheeks. ‘Please.’ She begged this time and let out a small yelp when his footsteps started to near her. ‘Please!’ she moved back and her hand bumped in to something small and roundish, the light switch!

‘Lana get down!’ a familiar voice yelled behind her. She did what she was told and dug down.

A growl beside her ear made her scream so loud that she didn’t even hear the gunshot going off.

She was terrified, terrified of the dark. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 26, 2014 ⏰

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