Chapter 1

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All I remember is running. Running in the darkness of night. In the woods, the smell of it surrounded my nose giving me a harsh reminder of where I was. My bare feet keep crashing against the forest floor. Spare twigs scratched at my feet; tearing some of the skin away from the bottom. But that didn't seem to matter; the only thing that mattered was getting away;  far away from the... thing... that was chasing behind me. I knew I wasn't going to be able to outrun it; for it seemed to be a lot faster than any man I have ever seen running. Although I wasn't ready to let it just claim me without putting up a fight.

My chest heaved as I tried to suck in some real air. These short breaths where doing nothing for my air deprived lungs. I looked over my shoulder, hoping that the path I had taken gave to some confusion to the beast. But he was still there. Right behind me. Eyes glowing red through the night. I couldn't make out a single feature of the face, but those glowing blood red eyes were enough to make me want to run even faster. I turned my face back in front trying to think fast and find a way from what ever doom might meet me if this beast was to catch up with me.

I round a tree holding onto the bark as I used it to force myself into a new direction. My breath hard, that the sound was even loud in my ears. Although I could hear the fast beat of my heart even louder in my chest, and felt the pounding as my heart threatened to jump out of my chest. I wished that I could take a small breather, catch my breath, but I knew that I had to keep going. When I found freedom then I could catch my breath, but I couldn't do it a minute sooner.

I heard him grunt behind me. I felt the fatigue fill my muscles as the screamed at me for pushing them so hard.  I was surprised as I felt him get closer to me, fatigue not hitting him as much as it was hitting me. Sweat was dripping from my forehead and running down my face. I knew I couldn't do this much longer. But I couldn't give in, I didn't want to die.

I shrieked as I felt my legs buckle from under me and I feel to the ground. I tried to grab onto the close by tree, but my hand missed and I only managed to injure myself even more. I tried to push myself up but it was no use. My legs didn't want to move any more. A let out a cry as I pulled myself up using the tree. Only to be knocked down to the ground by the strange creator that was chasing me through the rough woods.

Before I knew it the thing was on top of me. Holding my arms down against the cold forest floor as I tried to struggle against it, wishing for freedom. I felt claws start to dig into me, I closed my eyes as I let out a scream of pain as I felt the sticky blood start to rush out of the wound it was creating. I grunted and forced my eyes open. Wishing to see the face of my attacker, wanting to know what this demon actually was. I could make out small features of him. He had jet black hair, and slight stubble that rested on his square jaw. But the thing I seen the most in my moment of panic, was those glowing red eyes. The type of eyes seemed to be staring through my soul.

I grunted as I looked up at him. Half in fear and half in anger for allowing him to catch me. I spat into his face my attempt to fight for my life. If this was to be my end I wasn't going to give up without a fight that was for sure. He growled a low growl that didn't sound even human. What was this man I thought.

Claws raked across my face as I felt him move down to my throat. He grabbed it and I started to choke. My lungs started to beg for air as the beat against my rib cage, trying to find any way to attain the sweetness of the pure air. I felt tears come to my eyes. But not from pain, From the sudden realization that I wasn't going to be see the light of day ever again. I seen him open his mouth reveling fanged teeth. He started to lean closer to my neck. Slowly, as if to taunt me with the fact that this was the end. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain.

But the pain never came. Instead I was jolted from sleep. My soon to be former foster mother standing over me shaking me from the sleep that I had been in. "Alexis." She yelled at me a worried look spread across her face. I had only seen that look a couple of times, mostly when I would come home with cuts and brushes from starting some for fight at school. But this was different it was all worry instead of the worry mixed with disappointment that I was use to seeing.

"Alexis are you alright?" She asked helping me sit up. He brown eyes scanned my face trying to figure out what was wrong with me. "You were screaming and thrashing as you sleep."

"Yeah I'm fine." I said some what coldly. I didn't know why she was so worried about me. It wasn't like I was going to be her problem anymore after today. "Just a bad dream. Nothing that you should have to pretend to care about." I added coldly as I rose from the bed. Tammy and I have never gotten along it was as plain and simple as that. I was just the thorn in her side that she had watched to earn a little extra money from the government.

"I do care about you. Believe it or not." She said standing in my way with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What do you want me to tell you Tam. It was a bad dream plan and simple no need to care." I said with a shrug as I started to walk out of the room planning on getting ready to leave this place once and for all. "Don't worry about it to much, after I'm done showering I'll no longer be your problem." I said waving a hand at her as I disappeared into the bathroom.

"Alexis!" She screamed after me. I knew she hated my attitude the most. But I just shrugged it off. It wasn't my problem. I had bigger things to worry about. Like what that dream was about...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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