Untitled Part 10

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Wrong choice of descriptive dialogue

Descriptive Words are supposed to attract one's attention  without having to resort to using Pictures of Donald trump,

Descriptive Words are supposed to attract one's attention  without having to resort to using Pictures of Donald trump,

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Evil minions fighting,

Evil minions fighting,

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Immense wealth,

Immense wealth,

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Or cat memes.

There are countless amounts of books that fail to have such an interesting taste in wordplay

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There are countless amounts of books that fail to have such an interesting taste in wordplay. Quite a bit of times, it goes like "Bob played with the object in the space somewhere."  There's no words added to create a surplus of excitement and intrigue! Thus, the only way for this writer to get a lot of reads is to add pictures of a fight scene or explosions.


Bob had a good trip.

He saved a girl

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He saved a girl .

By punching a guy

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By punching a guy.

Then he kicked another guy

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Then he kicked another guy.

Then he killed his buddies and saved the world

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Then he killed his buddies and saved the world.

Then he killed his buddies and saved the world

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The end?

Let me know how interesting that was! So generally, be descriptive in your writing!!!!  Coming next: Bob Vs: the evil Skrlug from the planet Bloothwakko

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Let me know how interesting that was! So generally, be descriptive in your writing!!!!  Coming next: Bob Vs: the evil Skrlug from the planet Bloothwakko

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