Today Just Doesn't Seem To Be My Day

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"Mike told me that he got you a horse!" Micky confronted her as he met her in the hall. "Haha, hey Micky. Yeah he did! I named him Scotch." "Why did you name him after alcohol?" he laughed. "I didn't! It is after his coat color!" "Sure," he teased. "Wanna go see him, well after I put the groceries away," she offered. "Yeah! Wait, are they even open today?" "I'm pretty sure, especially sense they were open yesterday, but I guess we will find out." Micky helped her put away her groceries and then she told him how to get out there. "I hope Davy is there today." "Whose Davy?" "He is the adorable little Englishman who taught me how to take care of Scotch, and how to ride of course." "Adorable little Englishman huh?" "Yup," he chuckled. "What about Mike? Isn't he an adorable little cowboy?" "Ha! Yes, I love Michael, I wouldn't trade him for the world!" "Haha, alright. Don't go chasing after Davy, or he will have my butt as well as Davy's." "I wont go chasing another guy, Micky. Gish I feel like you're my father." "Just trying to save ya."

As they got out of the car, Davy and a few other guys had just gotten back from a ride. "Ey!" Davy called as he jumped over the fence. "Hey Davy," Paige greeted. "Hi, I'm Micky." "Bringing a different guy every day?" Davy laughed as he shook Micky's hand. "So is e your boyfriend or is Mike?" Davy wondered. "Mike is, Micky is my good friend from college. He watches out for me," she informed Davy as she patted Micky's shoulder. Micky just smiled and twiddled his fingers. "Ah, well did ya want to ride?" "No, we came all the way out here to talk," Micky teased. "Ey now," Davy laughed as he shook his finger at Micky, "do you know ow to ride?" "I haven't rode in a while, but you could show me if you like." "I will just for good measure." "Gosh Micky, holding us all up," Paige teased him. He just stuck his tongue out at her. They followed Davy to the horses. Paige mounted Scotch while Davy showed Micky how to properly mount the horse. "Alright, now that we are all up ere, I will show you ow to properly ride." Davy demonstrated how to sit in the most comfortable position by riding back and forth in front of them. "I think I got it," Micky told him. "Great! Now lets go." They followed Davy out to the pasture where they could race and ride, or just stroll over to the mountain trails.

On their stroll back, they began to get to know each other a little better. "So, Davy, how old are you?" Paige asked. "Are you asking because of my eight or my face?" "Neither, no offense was intended, just curious," she smiled, "after all, you are probably an inch or two taller than I am." "I am only 15... and I am about 5 foot 3, I believe," he snikered. "Oho, you are young. I wish I was 15 again... Hey, why aren't you in school?" "I am an actor, I dropped out when I was back in England, to become a jockey but I ended up in the acting bit, but you see, I love orses so I come out ere when I'm not working on anything." "Wow, when did you come to America?" Micky questioned. "When I was 14, by myself too." "Oh wow! Weren't you scared?!" "Yes! Ow could you not?" he laughed. They all kinda laughed at his facial expression as he answered it. "Hey, you can hang with us when you like kid, you seem pretty cool," Paige told him. "My father was an actor, maybe he could give you some tips sometime," Micky informed Davy. "Thanks," he smiled widely, "and tips would be great, maybe e could elp me get into a better contract..." "Maybe man." They got back to the stables and put the horses away. "Here is my dorm's phone number," Paige gave Davy a slip of paper. "Ey thanks. I'll see you guys later!" "Alrighty, see ya man!" Micky waved as he got into the car. "Bye kid. Call us." She hugged him and then got into the car. "Already to the hugging stage huh?" Micky teased as the drove away. "Oh can it Dolenz," she laughed a little.

School resumed that next week and things were sailing smoothly until Paige got a call from Mike. "I'm leaving tomorrow," he repeated himself. "Why? Why cant they send someone else?" she questioned. "I don't know, but they are one man short over there and I have to fulfill what I signed up for." "Why Vietnam?" "Because thats where we have been stationing troops to keep an eye on these nut bags," he explained. "We gotta keep all of the equipment up and running, so I gotta be there." "Why are they shipping you out so fast?" "Again, babe, I don't know and I wish I knew more so we wouldn't be in the dark, but what can we do?" "I love you Michael, and please be safe. Write me when you can, please," she began to cry. "I love you too babe, and I will be home as soon as they let me. I love you so much and don't forget that." "Goodbye," she held back her tears for a moment. "Goodbye beautiful," and then they hung up. Paige let the waterworks run full blast at that moment. She questioned the military and became angry with them. "Why him?!" she shouted. Micky heard her from his dorm and came quick. "Paige?" he asked as he slowly opened her door. She looked up at him with a wet face and tissues in her hands. "Paige, wh-whats wrong?" he asked softly trying to comfort her. "Th-they are sh-shipping him to V-Vietnam," she stammered as she cried. Micky's face became very solemn. "I-I'm so sorry..." he repeated over and over as he hugged her. She hugged him back and cried on his shoulder until she couldn't cry anymore. "It will be okay. He will come back..." "I hope..." He began to rub her back to try and get her to relax. All of her crying wore her out and she fell asleep hugging Micky while receiving his back rub. He wasn't sure what to do because he did not want to wake her, so he decided just to take a nap with her.

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