Only If You Dreamed Of Me

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To only think it has been 3 years since i've been listening to One Direction. My favorite band member is Niall. He's the most adorable, funniest. lovable guy. He's amazing!

" Luna are you still coming ?" my sister said

" yeah give me a secong i just have to put on my sneakers." Luna said. I put my sneakers on and ran downstairs, grabbed my ujacket and hopped right into the back of my sister's car. she drove off. looking at all the street signs wondering if Niall  had ever read my Blogs. i mean it has 5 million reads and 3 miliion likes. We  go to the tattoo shop. Today my sister is getting her first tattoo.

" I'm soooooo scared." my sister said  " Do you think it's gonna hurt?"

" How am i supposed to know i'm only 16 " Luna said " and i'm not expecting to get a tattoo any time soon." We walked into the tattoo shop and walked up to the register. We showed them what kind of tattoo my sister wanted and went into the back room. Before we went inside there was a sign on the door  ~ " B ( Beware ) O ( of ) T ( the ) W (witch ). We looked at each other like what?!?!?! I opened the door and we sat on the chairs and waited for the tattoo artist to come and start tattooing my sister. she finally came and started tattooing. She started to talk about witchcraft and a whole bunch or crazy stuff and then she asked me.

" what's your name your name young lady?" the lady said.

" Oh it's um Luna Winter." I said unsurely. Should i really be talking to her?

" Do you like a boy namedd Niall?"

" Yeah, he's apart of a boy band."

"What would you do if you could be in anyone's body in the boy band? " she said.

" It would be kind of weird for someone else, but for me I think it would be AWESOME." I said

" What if i could make this happen, make you dreams come true."

" What ?! " I said

" Come back tomorrow with your sister at 12:00." She gave us a card with her name on it, it said Sapphire the witch. We left the shop , got back into the car, and drove back home. When we finally got home i ran upstairs, opened up my laptop and logged on to facebook " I have to make a post about what happened to me today." I thought " I mean it's the craziest and weirdest thing ever."

The post ~ The craziest thing happened today, I went with my sister to get her first tattoo ever and we got a crazy witch lady for our tattoo artist. She was asking me about Niall. How does she know about Niall and me liking him? She asked me what if I could put you in one of the band members body in One direction? What if i could make your Dream come true? She told me to come back at 12:00 tomorrow with my sister. What should i do ? Should I go?

----------------------------------------------------- Comments

 Sabrina ~ I think you should go, I mean you would be in one of there bodies and at night you could touch yourself and then you could find your actual body and kiss your actual body in front of everyone and other stuff.

James ~ Ewwwwwww Sabrina, No this lady seems crazy maybe you should stay home and stay out of trouble.


I dedcided to go tomorrow , but for now i need to sleep and get this off my chest and prepare myself for what's in store for me tomorrow. ...............

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