If there is anything ever beautiful in the world it's this. I've seen troubles and problems. I've seen the dark monsters crawl up from under our beds. I've seen lovers hate each other, and children crying for attention only to be hit. I've seen mothers cry holding a stillborn baby. I've seen husbands cry, holding her dying wife's hand. And still I see beauty.The emotion felt is painful, but produces light. A tear brings water to the tiny insects helping you live. An ant crawling on your leg, is trying to find food to feed it's queen. To bring a gift to it's mother. Yet we smash it out of fear. And still I see beauty.
A boy, hated by his mother, searches for peace, but can't find any. He looks to friends and a means of distraction and loses himself repeatedly. He clings to comforts just to make up for the pain he feels. And still I see beauty.
A child, loses his father. His pain is not understood by his friends, and his mother closes up and becomes broken. He is left alone. So he closes up, too. He never wants feel again. And still I see beauty.
A trusting dog is beaten by his owner and left in the pouring rain. He is starved and battered. He walks to a nearby house for shelter. The family doesn't let him in. He starves to death on their porch. And still I see beauty.
A girl with depression is raised in a family where no one understands her. She is the outcast of those who love her. So she tries to find her own way. She confuses sex for love. She cuts herself for comfort. And she is left alone without anyone who cares. And still I see beauty.
There is a man on the edge of a bridge. His wife caught him cheating and his children never respected him. They all leave him alone in his home. No, not home. House. For a home can only be a home if filled with love. He contemplates his life and sees no reason for it. So.. he jumps. And still I see beauty.
Three siblings cling to each other for safety. Their parents beat them and degrade them. Treat them like dirt. There aunts and uncles tell them that they don't want them. That they are worthless. They are kicked out of there home, and told to leave and never come back. They freeze in the cold. And still I see beauty.
A little boy that wanted to be a hero, loved his parents, and they loved him. The three of them held together for support. They created dreams together and brought others into their home. Then the family lost everything. Their home and there dreams. And all of the people that they helped just watched them fall and laughed as they did. Now that little boy has a hit list and keeps adding names to it. And still I see beauty.
Why you ask? How could you see beauty in such horrible things. How could you think these things are beautiful. I don't. It's what happened after that I found beautiful.
Yes, the one ant was smashed, but hundreds more survive and help each other every day.
That boy found a girl that understood him, and suddenly he didn't needs the distractions anymore. The only distraction he needed was her
That child grew up to be a psychiatrist that helps other children get threw the pain he suffered, so they never have to feel what he had too.
A man found that dog. He started an organization to help animals in need, so that something like this wouldn't ever happen again. It was a success.
That girl found a boy who taught her what real love was. He taught her to be herself and use her depression to her advantage and be strong all by herself.
That man survived the jump. He woke up the next day in a hospital. His family around him. They all embraced each other, crying, and decided to start anew. Now the man and his wife have been married for fifty years.
Those three siblings became a sign to thousands of people and children were treated much better from that point on. The parents of the children were arrested and taken far away. The children are all happy and married with children of their own that they treat like gifts.
The family lives in a new house now, and they're closer than they have ever been. The boy got help and is doing much better. He has a girlfriend now. And he's planning to ask her to marry him. She taught him the importance of human life and the boy threw his hit list away.
Always have hope. You see, although things seem terrible now, and sometimes they are, that's not the point. The universe is vast and never ending. No matter what happens, you're part of that universe, and nothing in this universe is pointless. Every atom has a purpose. So that must mean that you do too. Always have hope. Because sometimes that's all you can have. Sometimes, hope is what the universe needs. And if you're the one to supply that hope, then supply it. Others need it too. Then you'll see beauty, too.