Chapter 1

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"Maya whayever you do, dont hit anyone else."

I said to Maya before leaving the lunch room. She seemed to be listening but she also seemed to let it go through one ear and out the other. At lunch today, me and Maya say with each other. Carrying on like normal, we took our trash to the compactor. A group of guys we knew were standing directly behind us and we could hear thn plotting something.

"Do it she not gonna do anything! She too scared to tell."

We heard one of the guys say to another. I turned around and they all silenced and stared me dead in the eyes. So I slowly turned around knowimg they were talking about us. I metioned it to Maya to give her a warning not knowing who the guys were talking about.

"Do what? Whay are they gon-"

Maya's words were cut off due to a gatorade bottle that hit her in the back of the head. All the guys scattered like roaches in the light, laughing and joking. Maya seemed to be okay. I mean, she wasn't mad, but she did want revenge. She picked the bottle up and eyed down every single one of the guys down. She saw a boy named Kenneth. Apparently he was the one who threw the bottle at the both of us. Every one of the guys stared me and Maya in the eyes with the meanest mug.

"Ummm.... yeah no revenge let's just leave it alone." I told Maya, fearing the guys on the low.

But her being the dare devil she is, she put the bottle behind her back and hid it away from me. The bell rang and it was time to leave. We got up from the table and headed out the door. Outside, all of the guys from the group stood there and talked looking at us as they did. Out of no where Maya pulls the bottle out. 

"Which one should I hit?" she asked holding the bottle.

"None of them i told you to leave it alone." I said, pulling her behind the stairs afraid that one of them would see.

"They hit me first and I am going to do it either way so it doesnt matter what you tell me." she said peeking around the corner at the guys.

"Okay fine. Only hit Kenneth. No one else. Kenneth is the one that hit you so he is the one you gonna hit." I whispered knowing she wasnt gonna break.

She peeked around the corner at the guys once again. None of them were paying attention so she felt the need to do it now. She threw the bottle hitting 3 people. I gasped and asked where we were gonna go. The only place we could go to still make it to class on time was out in the open giving them.a perfect view of the people who had thrown the bottle. They started mumbling under their breaths and looked ariund before headimg our way. None of them could see us but we could hear their voices getting closer and closer. Before i could say anything Maya took off leaving me by myself. I had no other choice but to leave in fear that they would attack me.

"GET EM" one of the members of the group yelled. 

We made it up the stairs with them trailing behind. They came from all directions so that me and Maya were in the middle with nowhere left to go. I was shaking in fear. These guys were so intimidating. One of the guys I noticed were apart of a gang, making me even more afraid.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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