A Dancer's Life- Chapter 8

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Having no school gives me so much time to update! Comment, vote, follow, and tell your friends! Thanks.

-Rachel xoxo


I'm freaking out a bit on the inside. I really hope that the picture of Brandon and I in bed together didn't make it's way to Abby. I'd rather the entire school know than Abby.

"You two did amazing yesterday. There was so much compassion and emotion between the two of you," Miss. Abby says, "I'm giving you two a duet next week. I usually don't tell people ahead of pyramid, but you guys deserve to know."

"Thank you so much Miss. Abby!" I say.

"It means a lot," Brandon says.

We both board the bus and head to the back.

"I thought she called us over because of the picture," Brandon says.

"Same here. I was freaking out."

"But we have a duet next week," he says, "I'm excited to dance with you again."

I feel myself blush a bit, "I'm excited too. You're an amazing partner."

"Brooke," my mom says.


"Do you have everything?" she says, "I haven't seen you since competition yesterday."

"I have everything and I'm fine mom."

"Okay. Love you," she says.

"Love you too," I say back.

"You were just trying to get her to go away," Brandon whispers in my ear.

"What are you talking about?"

"When it comes to lying and sweet talking, I'm the king," he says while winking at me.

"And I have to sit next to you for the next 8 hours. God help me," I say rolling my eyes at Brandon.

"You love it."

"As long as I can sleep on you."

"Sleep away Hyland."

I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

"Sleeping together again?" I know this voice. It's the voice of the devil.

"Payton, shut up and go away," Brandon says.

"That's no way to talk to your homecoming date," she says with a fake tone in her voice.

"It is when you're blackmailing me," Brandon says, "Now go be all over Nick because you're always with the guy that Brooke isn't with."

I can just imagine what kind of face she's giving Brandon right now. Hilarious. I hear her stomp away to her seat.

"Nice one Pent," I say opening my eyes and looking up at him.

"You're awake?" he says, "Um, sorry."

"For what? You just told her off!"

He laughs a bit, "Okay Hyland, you can go to sleep now."

"I intend on it," I say.

"Brooke," I hear someone say. Then I feel someone kiss my forehead. I open my eyes to see Brandon.

"What," I snap.

"We're getting food," he says, "It's 1. You slept for 4 hours."

"Oh," I say getting up, "Where is everybody?"

"Inside already. Not let's go. I want food."

"Typical teenage boy," I say rolling my eyes.

We walk inside and sit on the end of everyone across from Chloe and Paige.

"Where have you been?" Chloe says to Brandon and I.

"Sleeping Beauty wouldn't wake up from her 4 hour nap," Brandon said pointing at me.

"Doesn't surprise me," Paige says.

I roll my eyes.

"The sisterly love," Chloe says as our food arrives.

We eat and then get back on the bus. Only 4 more hours to go. This time, Brandon falls asleep on me. I put my ear buds in, turn on my music, and open twitter to just scroll through my feed to make time go faster. Once we reached the studio, everyone immediately got off the bus.

"Brooke are you coming?" my mom asks.

"Yeah I'll be right there," I say, "And mom."


"Can I go over to Brandon's for a bit? It's only 6."

"Yes. But be home by 9 because it's a school night, okay?"

"Thanks mom."


This kid still won't wake up. My mom is getting off the bus. I lean over a bit and I kiss him. He instantly starts kissing back. I break away.

"I thought you were asleep!"

"Nope. Well, I was until your mom came back here," he says.

"You just wanted me to kiss you."

"Exactly," he says standing up. He gets mine and his carry on bags out of the overhead.

He hands me his car keys, "I have to get my stuff but you can go to the car."

"Okay," I say walking over to his car. I unlock the BMW Beamer and open the back door to put my bag in. Than I walk over to the driver's side and pop the trunk for him. I go to open it.

"Thanks Brooke," he says putting his things inside.

"Wow. You called me Brooke!" I say, "Not Hyland!"

We both laugh and get in the car.

"Are you pleased with how this weekend went?" he asks.

"Very. Everything I was in placed first which means I shouldn't be on the bottom row. We beat Auriel and Payton in the same age group."

"Definitely true. You'll be fine Brooke, you're amazing at what you do."

We just sit in the car for the next 10 minutes to his house. It was a bit awkward but that's probably just me overthinking. I'm starting to want to get back together with him. Is that a bad idea? It probably is. And what about my feelings for Nick? Where did they go? I don't know anymore.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm just thinking."


"Us," I say as he pulls into his driveway.

"What about us? Because if it's about us getting back together, I want to."

"You actually do? After everything with Nick. And me hating you for a couple days?"

"I was wrong for beating on Nick. And the whole Payton thing meant nothing. She was jealous of you, still is. And I set that thing at the competition up to get Nick mad at you so you would want to be with me. And that was wrong. I'm sorry," Brandon says while turning off the car. All of that was very sincere.

"Beat on Nick all you want after he sent that picture to Payton. I could care less. And I forgive you for that thing at the competition."

"Brooke, will you be my girlfriend, again?"

"Yes," I say with a smile.

"And go to prom with me?"

"I'd love to."

We lean in and start to kiss. His kisses are literally the best.

"Thank you," he says.

"For what?"

"Taking me back."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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