Just Read

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     "It will always be us..." Laurance and Tiffany sang melodiously while staring into each other's eyes.
       Laurance and Tiffany were rehearsing for the talent show, except Laurance was the only one in the actual show. Tiffany was too shy but had the voice of an angel's. Of course, Laurence was accepted due to his dashing good looks and his amazing, angelic voice. He had a crush on Tiffany and had wished she had auditioned for the leading role who would sing with him. Unfortunately, he got stuck with a girl named Michelle who had a crush on him. She was very expressive about it, but, unlike Tiffany and Laurance, Michelle had the voice of a rotting fruit. She only did this for Laurance and to be with him. Fortunately, Michelle was always busy with dance classes and wasn't able to rehearse with Laurance. This inspired Laurance to ask Tiffany to help him rehearse and also, this led to an even closer friendship.
       Tiffany had two best friends named Eileen and Candace. Candace was a feisty girl. She never dated anyone and it was quite impossible to get her to date someone. Candace had vanta-black hair and hazel-blue eyes. On the other hand, Eileen has a positive personality and a jock boyfriend. She was the head cheerleader. Eileen had raven black with brown eyes. She lived with the siblings because she was a next-door neighbor. Her jock boyfriend was named Isaac and was also Tiffany's big brother. He was very protective and had black hair with dark brown eyes. Isaac and Eileen made the perfect model couple for the rest of the school. Isaac had three friends: Ethan, Laurance, and Garroth. What they all had in common was that they all had a major crush on Tiffany and she didn't know about it. (Isaac knows about their crush) Ethan was part of the football team with Isaac and he would live with Tiffany and Isaac because he had lost his parents during a storm. Laurance and Garroth also lived with the siblings since they were very close neighbors.  Laurance had hazel brown hair while Garroth had honey yellow hair. Laurance was the leader of the soccer team while Garroth took Lacrosse. The boys all know about their crushes on Tiffany.
      *claps, claps* "Wow, that was beautiful. I know I've heard that song a million times over but it's too beautiful to not clap
again." Isaac remarked. 
      "Yeah, but don't you think it's odd that Michelle never shows up to practice?!" Garroth yells suspiciously. His voice echoes off the basement walls.
      "I already told you, she has dance. Plus, I'm sure it doesn't bother Tiffany, right Tiff?" Laurance said
       "No, not a bother at all. I actually kind of enjoy these songs, nice pick Laurance!" Tiffany commented.
       "Heh, yeah, I just wished you were actually singing them with me..." Laurance muttered so that nobody could hear him.
     "So, who's ready for a pizza break? I ordered Papa John's before you guys came down so it should be here any second." Ethan said.
     As if from a signal, the bell rang and it was pizza! Everyone ran upstairs for their first slice, it satisfied their taste buds.
    "I don't care how many times I eat it, I will always love Papa John's pizza." Garroth remarked.
      Suddenly, Tiffany's phone rings and she picks up and leaves the room. The boys heard her say some "yes"es and some "I'm so excited"s. Suddenly, a loud stomping came from the other room and in bursted Tiffany.
     "Guess what guys! Eileen just invited us to go watch "Beauty and the Beast" with her! She's going to be in soon so let's hurry up." she said excitedly.
     "Aww, I wish I hadn't eaten l this pizza, we could be gotten popcorn!" Isaac said disappointed.
      Everyone stood up to go to Isaac's car and he drove them to the theaters. There, they met up with Eileen and went to the movies.
    "I have no words, it was the best movie I've seen my entire life!" Laurance mentioned after the movie was over.
      Isaac suddenly held Eileen hand extremely tightly.
       Eileen gasped from the sudden gesture, "Babe, whatcha doin'?"
      Suddenly, Isaac's lips smashed onto Eileen. Tiffany and the boys were watching and it was super awkward. Finally, Isaac released and let Eileen catch some air.
    "Aww, so romantic!!!" Tiffany fangirled.
     Laurance, Garroth, and Ethan stayed silent. They wanted that with Tiffany, bit they knew it wasn't the right time. Besides, she just got over her ex-boyfriend. Everyone walked to the car with Eileen a little more giddy from the kiss. That was her first passionate kiss with Isaac and he had made it memorable. They both stared into each other's eyes as they were walking while holding hands, it's was almost sickening. Ethan noticed that Tiffany was staring at them the whole time with a long face.
     "Hey Tiff, you okay? You seem a little down." Ethan finally said, breaking the silence in the car.
     All eyes were on Tiffany now that they had noticed what Ethan meant. She looked around her, as if she was panicked. Suddenly, she bursted out crying and layer her head on one the boys three boys that she was being squished with in the back. Isaac stopped the car and pulled to the side to see what was wrong.
      He reached his hand out to her and took her hand in comfort asking her what was wrong.
     "Why can't someone love me like that? *sniff, sniff* How could Michael cheat on my like that, was I not enough for him?! *sniff, sniff*" Tiffany managed to say.
      On instinct, the boy she was crying on, who was Garroth, held her head in his hands and said "No, Tiffany. He didn't deserve you. If he cheated on you like that, he doesn't deserve for you to even think of him. How dare you think that you aren't enough. You are the most beautiful, funny, kind, sweet, loving girl I know." Garroth said lovingly.
       "*sniff, sniff* do you really *sniff, sniff* think so?" Tiffany asked, trying to dry her tears.
     Everyone nodded confidently in unison. They knew it was hard for her to see someone cheat on her, especially since that was her first relationship.
     "Tiffany, come on, let's go home and you can take a shower. Get a good night's sleep, you do have that state exam tomorrow, we all do." Eileen said, trying to comfort her best friend

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