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Of course I miss her. Anyone who got to spend ten minutes with her would. I was lucky enough to get six years with her. I had endless nights, or so I thought. I never thought about our last night together, my last time kissing her. You never knew that the last time is actually the last time. You never know which fight will end it all.

Then all of a sudden you're packing suitcases and sending boxes other stuff to her new apartment, eating out because there's no one to cook for, and returning the diamond ring you hid in your pillow for six months. All of a sudden you're laying in bed alone for the first time in months but you can still smell her on the sheets. No more 'I love you's. No more quick morning kisses when one of you is leaving for work. No more midnight laughs because you're too in love to fall asleep.

I had just gotten out of my car when I heard her laugh. My heart sped up and I turned around quickly. There she was, wrapped around another guy. I had heard of him; Bomba was his MMA nickname. Another giggle escaped her lips and she threw back her head, the cackle that filled my soul reaching my ears. They disappeared into some restaurant and I finally let out the air I was holding, leaning against my car and closing my eyes.

She looked happier, I had to admit it. When we went out she used to barely be able to hold my hand in fear of people seeing. Now though, she had leaned into his side and laughed loudly; with no fear, or hesitation.


"Hey, brother." I forced a smile as Tadao sat down next to me. "What are you watching?"

"The fights."

He raised an eyebrow. "Bellator?"

I took a slow sip of my beer. "Yup."

He chuckled and shook his head. "No need to ask who you're rooting for."

I huffed a laugh and stared at the screen. Bomba's fight was starting. Her snapchat was filled with heart eye emojis that made me sick to my stomach. The cameras panned to her, sitting with Eddie, and my stomach clenched into knots.

"Easy, Wilmer." Tadao patted my back as my hands clenched into fists. "Just hope the guy gets his head kicked in and move on."

He won. His first knockout, apparently. He pointed at her, and she gave him a thumbs up and the smile that used to be reserved for me. I took another sip of my beer and sighed, sitting back in my chair.

"I guess that's that."

"Hey." He nudged my arm. "You'll be just as happy as her one day. It's not gonna be like this forever."

I forced another smile and nodded. "I know."

"Wilmer, I'm trying to be on your side, and support you, but didn't you know she was gonna move on eventually?"

"I guess."

Of course I knew she would move on. How could I not? She's absolutely everything any self-respecting guy could want.

I sighed, excusing myself to go to the bathroom and pulling out my phone to text her.

You look happy... I'm glad.

It was stupid, but I couldn't help myself. I knew she wasn't trying to hurt me. She rarely posted things about the two of them on her Twitter or Instagram so I wouldn't see it. Snapchat I could avoid it, but I never did. I took the knife in the chest easily because I could see her face. Even if it was smiling next to his, I could still see her.

I downed the rest of my bottle and stared into it, sighing heavily. When I was with her. I didn't drink often, because when I didn't she would wrap her arms around me and kiss me. When I had alcohol on my breath she'd pull away with a wrinkled nose.

The drinking wasn't helping. It only made me do stupid things, like stalk her Instagram, or her twitter. It made me go back in my phone and look at the old messages and pictures from happier times. Alcohol made me look back on the love we had, and the love I didn't believe in.

i had found a razor blade and lost it, screaming at her that I thought she was better than that. She had stayed quiet the whole time, waiting for me to finish. When I finally demanded her to explain herself she said it was old, and that she hadn't harmed herself in years. It didn't take long for me to trick myself into thinking the alcohol was going missing. She took my accusations just as silently before calmly denying it. I packed my bags and told her I wasn't going to enable her. It was a line I had used before when she was younger. She told me if I didn't believe her, and walked out of the door, that we were done, for good. She said she couldn't be with someone who didn't trust her.

Stupidly, I called her bluff, and she was gone the next day.

Some days I think it was for the best. She's getting everything she ever wanted. Her album will get nominated for a grammy, she looked better than ever on her tour, and she's happy with him. Sometimes I find myself checking his social media too, but haven't since I saw the picture of them kissing. I broke my screen from throwing my phone at the wall.

Interviewers have asked me if I'm happy, and I always smile and say yes. They don't dare ask about her. Even if they did I would lie. I would say I'm happy that she's happy.

I don't know if he'll ever love her the way I love her, or if she'll ever love him as deeply as she loved me. I don't know if I'll ever be able to love someone else the way I loved her, or look at someone the way I looked at her; like she was my sun in the darkest part of each.

The one thing that I do know for sure is that if he ever breaks her heart, like most guys do, I'll be waiting here, for her.

*New Message*

From: Demi

I am. I hope you are too.


So that's the one-shot guys! Hope all of you liked it!

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Twitter: Lovatic_Chica


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