11: Click Your Heels...

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Chapter Eleven

The rewind was easier to deal with this time. Maybe it was because Apollo was with me, I didn't know. But the reversal went all the way back to when Apollo removed his hands from over my eyes and mouth. Just so I knew he was still there, he rested his hands on my shoulders for comfort and stayed behind me.

I couldn't help the sadness that came up when I realized I'd only been able to talk to Cecil because it was a vision. Not something that was real. My mood plummeted dramatically. I could've used his support or just his presence in dealing with the pair of power hungry Gods before me.

Both brothers were considering me with blatant curiosity, so unlike the last time. Hades was visibly calmer and it made me wonder if what I'd seen played on the wall as well. But if that had happened, I highly doubt he would be that still. Finding out Cecil was in love with me was something no one wanted Hades to know. It wasn't a lie, that much I knew. The look in Cecil's eyes as he stood up to the Lord of the Dead wasn't something you could fabricate. He loved me and he was supposed to be dead because of it.

What worried me though, that if my love line was right, if it was identical to Cecil's, then how was it all going to ? If he wasn't supposed to love me but did...there was obviously a loop hole even though I couldn't see it. Trying to sort all of it out was giving me a headache and all I really wanted to do was crawl in bed and pass out for the next millennium. They could figure out the future without me.

"You should be more careful, Uncles. Unless you want to break her before seeing her have a true vision, I think you should take it easy on her."

Apollo's words broke me out of my musings and I frowned at him. "I'm sorry, what? True vision? What does that mean?"

"It's the one vision you'll have from time to time that will never change," Neptune spoke up. "It's the same with every oracle. You're no different."

"Great...can I go home now?"

Neptune looked amused as did Apollo, Hades on the other hand, not so much. He still looked like he wanted to eviscerate me into obscurity. It was probably stupid of me but I held his gaze, not turning away like he obviously wanted me too.

His eyes were blue. Random thought, I know, but I just noticed they weren't dark like I thought they were.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly.

His hate filled glare changed to one of confusion, two lines appearing between his brows as he frowned. "For?"

I just shrugged. "I don't know but I felt like it needed to be said."

He wasn't a bad guy, I knew that. People just pictured him as a bad guy. Death is always the ultimate evil so shouldn't the one man who represented it be scary and evil too? Despite the thing with Persephone, he was revered in mythology. He might just be having one of his off days, or years, or I'd somehow managed landed on his bad side long before we'd ever met. Or maybe it was just me. That could definitely be it.

The golden doors opened behind me and Andrzej walked back in, his head bowed just a little. His usual spunk was missing and I had a feeling something I'd seen earlier was the cause of it. I didn't remember everything but the feelings associated with it were still there. They made me want to reach out and take his hand or give him a hug at least. When he stepped up on my other side, he kept at least two paces away from me. A stark contrast to the way we were before. He didn't want anything from me. What I'd already given him today was enough, maybe too much.

"Don't look so glum, Lycaon," Hades taunted. "We're sending you back to the Schola. There's no reason for you to get upset." His eyes ticked over to me and his mouth turned up in a miniscule smirk. "Or is it the girl you're standing next to that's upsetting you?"

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