The Killer in the Mirror

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     As the sun shune through the creases of the curtains opaguing my vision from the outside,  flung my eyelids open as the a red stomac bird repeatedly smacked its head into th window. "Bang" the window went as I kicked it with my foot, too constricted to the comfort of my bed to get up or flinch a muscle.

       Turned around to check the clock on my corner table, it said, "10:31 A.M." My alarm didn't go off. "O Shit !!" i said, jumping out of bed escaticaly, grabbed my Mickey mouse towel and ran to the bathroom. Srkkk the pipe went as I forced it to turn and out poured the cold water. Shocking my body I released spasms that were so violent I had hit myself in the face. Then it had come to my realizations it was Wednesday,  my day off alloted to all senior students of the Hospitality Department of The T.A Marryshow Community College.

     This wasn't the first time that i had an epidemic like this happen to me, I always got up a  bit early but was always late for my first period classes which start at 8:30 A.M. Even with my deliberate actions to kill time or skull classes i always managed to get my work done, got my assignments in on time and had consistent pass grades.

    To the realization that I didn't have to leave the house today, I shut off the water from the shower head suspending my attempt of a proper bathe till later that day. Wiping the water drops from my face, I peered into the mirror, the big headed light skin that most perceive to be the awkward skinny guy that often find himself in trouble but is good hearted peeked as the towel ran down my chest to my six pack abs. Scraping off most of the water droplets on the skin I swung my towel over my shoulder not covering much of my bare skin.

   Walking back to my room, every two steps pickin up articles of clothing I had dropped from my frantic run to the shower. Closing the door behind me and he windows so that cold air won't seep in, with a lazy attempt to get rid of the water particles I wiped the rest of my body.

    Putting on a clean boxer shorts I left the room with intentions of pursuing something to satisfy the muchies I had. I haven't eaten the night before so it was intensified around this time. Opening the fridge, the light shung on all the confectionaries mom had made, making it look so Godly with a halo effect. Food for the Lords I call it, as I scratched my testicles with one hand and the other leaning on the door. I peered to the back of the fridge an opened pudding cup I've been eating some three days previously. Slightly sniffing the hand I had touch my private area with, I reached in and snapped it up along with a spoon from the top draw of the silverware cabinet.

   Retreating to the living area I took my first spoonful, with a burst of happiness I peered out the window to Aubrey my german shepherd running into the potted plants that my grandmother so solemnly loved and had invested countless hours in up keeping them. I hated those plants honestly,  to me they were a waste of space and they symbolize happiness, something im far off from.

   As I sat down on the couch, pressing the power button of my laptop I brain stormed tasks that I might have wanted to accomplish that day. "My Cost control assignment, buffer up on my French or my Food and Beverage management," I said to myself. "Nee'gh imma kick back today" my lazy mentality had gotten the best of me. As I sat taking slow but momental shots of pudding to my mouth, with one hand typing in "509 Pokemon" into Youtubes' search bar. It's been a while since ive sat down and not open a file that contained some sort of school related material.

   Turning up the volume, I sat back to enjoy the show, continuing the same rhythm in which I was eating my pudding. A shadow in the corner caught me attention,  looking up, my Grandmother in the kitchen with a glass of water token to her lips as she coursed it down her throat. You could've seen the expression on her face, the one you get when a cold drink quenches your thirst.

    Navigating my attention back to my show, continuing with my sloathing, abruptly my phone went off. upon dismissing its hibernation mode I saw that it was my whatsapp. Upon retrieval of the message, ecstatically it was my brother, name saved as Wendellyne but reals name is Wendell. it was just our way of communication, We were always down for anything and I'd shoot someone for him. Reading the messages he sent stated "Yoooo my niguh, hit me up on the block asap and bring the glock too we got a situation here." With no hesitation I ran to his room and opened the draw in which he had stored the gun. Taking an extra clip with me, I ran out the house frantically. Asking myself what's going on ?? Why does he need the gun ??

      Even though those questions repeated themselves in my head, I was ready for what ever. Coming close to where he said meet him I saw a white Corolla parked on the side of the road. As I drew closer I heard his voice and another unidentifiable one. They were cursing, vaguely understanding what they were saying. Maybe it was because every three words that came out two were swear words. When I saw this I started to running frantically.

     As the conflict continued I stood next to wendellyne, stearing at the umfamiliar face I screwed hoping to send him a message, one in which anyone else retreat to their safety. Then with his right hand, boxed Wendell. With out hesitation  I pulled out the gun from the pocket of my trousers, took off its safety, leaning it sideways as I often saw gang bangers do in movies, pointed it to the agressors head. Bang !! Off went the gun as went off and all existing sound had silenced around me.

    "Is he dead" I said ironicly in my mind, "What are we going do," all I could hear was the silent thoughts of my conscious speaking. I was slapped back into reality by wendy tapping me on the back yelling "Run, Run, my niguh" I soon obeyed his command.

    Upon arrival back to the house I immediately ran to the bathroom to wash myself off. As I steared into the mirror, the blood and flesh particles had been lodged onto my shirt. Taking it off I jumped into the shower, taking that over due bathe.

   When I thought I had gotten rid of all the bloody evidence, I step over the riser and faced the mirror, wiping my face with a hand towel my eyes the only part of my face exposed. "Am I a killer now ?? Am I a potential criminal ?? All these questions brainstorming in my flashback to what had happened.  "It was for my brother,  he would've done the same for me" I mumbled to myself. "It had to be done"

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