The estrange member

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Distance has variable units measured by variable formulas. But I couldn't find a single way to reduce it.
I tried speeding thinking it will take less time to get close to my destination, my family. But I was still happy that the connection between me and my family members was strong despite the distance between us. I used to roam around everyone with joy.
Until the educated society started questioning whether I was really a part of the family. They started raising questions about my existence and character. They believed that I resembled others and not my family.

Soon a heated debate began on this topic and three criteria were put up to justify my need in the family.
Unfortunately I was unable to match the third one.
My resemblance with the people around me was something I never thought would become a barrier.

My family watched in silence as they stripped my identity. I was left heart broken.
I always thought that maybe its the distance but it was only lack of my uniqueness.
And few powerful authorities smaller than the huge amount of support by the people, decided to kick me out of the family.

Years passed by and people now don't even know that I exist whereas I still gaze at my family wearing my new aspersed tag in the dark universe.

I came, shot to fame and later maimed.

My name is Pluto and this is my story.

The Estranged MemberWhere stories live. Discover now