once there was this girl who was nice and the way she went about her day was strange one day. She didn't smile like she always did. her friend thought some thing was up about this and wanted to talk to her about it. But her friend was too scared to ask about it. So she didn't.The days went on and it continuied to get worse and worse. Soon her friend started to stop seeing her all the time. It started one day she wasn't there. Then the next day she started to do an on and off kind of thing. Then she stopped showing up to school and her friend got worried about her. Her friend never heard from her in a will. The a week went by and no show.
Her friend went to her house to talk to her. When she got there she knoked on her front door and no response. She knocked again and she heard some one inside going down some stairs. The door flew open and her friends mom was at the door. A tissue in one hand and a remote in the other. Her clothes wore torn and hanging every ware. The mom asked "what do you need?" and then responded with "can i talk to her?". The mom didnt know what she was talking about. The mom asked "who is she?" The girl awnsered with "your daughter?"
The mother broke out crying because of what she was about to say. The mother said "I'm sorry but she isn't with us any more."
Dead scilence was with them at the time. The girl couldn't believe what had just came from her mouth.
Things wore runing throw her head like 'How? Why? When?'
She slowly blinked and asked "When did this happen and how?" the tears wore on the edge of rolling down her face. Her best friend, her only friend was dead. This type of news when she was having a bad day at that too. Now she was thinking 'Why her friend'.
The silence was broken by the mom. She said"she died by her own hands."
Nothing could be worse than those words coming out of her friends moms mouth. She couldn't believe it at all.
after that the mother said good-bye and shut the door. The the friend went home thinking about what was said about that. It was getting late and the sun was down. She was walking on the main street and the cars lights wore zooming by and the friend thought ' Why, why her?!? The girl i loved, gone, forever. Why didn't it happen to some one i didn't know.'
A few minutes later she remembers that her loves mom gave her a note that said give to 'Carson please' on it. She took it out of her pocket and started to read it.
'Dear Carson\love,
i love you. im sorry. i wanted to tell you what was going on but i just couldn't right then. but now i can. the difference between now and then is people who hurt me and i just didnt want you to worry about me. im sorry. but you see i am now free to say what ever i want.
okay now to talk. okay i was being bullied and now they are going to go after you and im sorry but i didnt tell you this because i know you love me. but that dont matter any more because im dead. i love you too by the way.
bye now i miss you so and love you so.'
Carson started to blush so bad. She started to find tears running down her face one by one and then she blacks out and then she wakes up in a hospital.
Carson's mom was sitting in a chair next to her. She didn't know what happened. She saw her mom looked at her and her mom started to cry and the tear just kept on falling. Her mom asked if she felt any pain?
Carson just asked "What happened to me? Why am I all banged up?"
Her mom just said "You jumped in front of a car."
"What!!!??? No. Why would i do that?"
Her mom just gave her the paper that they found at the place. But they didn't know why they found it.
Carson just started to cry so hard but didnt know why.
Carson was okay but after two times of these black out and getting hit by a car. She died.