Chapter 1

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"Omg Mom... I can't wait any longer I just hung up and i just can't wait for them to come can we go pick them up instead please..." I said crossing my right hand fingers in my jacket pocket for.. well atleast some luck.

     "Yes I guess but call them back first to see if we can ok," Mom said smiling while i smile back "But make sure they say yes and no bribbing ok."

      I smiled and tryed not to look so sneaky because if they say no I am bribbing I mean who doesn't know me everyone knows me. "OK mom," I tryed keeping my smile but I couldn't any longer "I won't." I had to let go of my smile so once i did I ran up to my room. It is a nice room it has a purple bed frame, and purple  and white pockadots on the bed spread, they're is a purplish pinkish nightstand. Of course u can tell i love love love love the color purple. The last thing in my room is a huge closet with lots and lots of clothes they are in color order I have Millions of clothes and a lot of different colors so yeah.



       Sorry this was a really short chapter but I really don'dt have the time. Well i hoped u enjoy I will be updated soon maybe in a couple of days probably but please like this and comment my mustakes...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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