The void

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A/N: I'm so glad that so many people are reading this book and I was hoping that maybe I might catch a KLANCE shipper or two in here so if you are interested then you can jump on over to my books 'Strange Waters' and 'What Lies Below'. What lies Below is a Mermaid!Lance and Surfer!Keith AU. Strange waters is Voltron based and features Keith with the blade. Somewhere mixed in with season 4-5 maybe a little 6 Since it's coming out TOMORROW. Welp that's all I have. ENJOY

Well life's real great. Just a whole bunch of ponies and stab horses(Who else gets it?(;). I stare out into the endless white void called the Antivoid. I'm not sure if anyone else is here.

Or lives here but this place goes on for eons. There's really no way of keeping track of time here either. Get off your lazy ass and go destroy something already. A voice spoke up. "SH-uT UP!"

I screeched in my glitchy, disoriented voice. I didn't want to deal with them right now. That's all I needed. Doubting myself and being told what to do by a disembodied  voice.

There wasn't much to do here and the voices kept whispering and offering ideas of which place to destroy next. Whatever. "FinE!" I groan, "JuSt sH-u-ut up." The voices silenced except for a few who were laughing maniacally.

I opened a portal into a random AU not even trying to aim. The snow crunched softly under my feet. Which AU am I in? All I could see were trees, so I must've landed in the forest by Snowdin.

I summoned my blue strings and wrapped them around just about every tree that surrounded me. As I walked they dissipated like dust. Finally the clearing. After almost slipping on the ice I made my way over to the sanses home. Maybe once I see them I'll know where I am.

Plus I can kill him first so he doesn't get in the way. I smiled and laughed quietly to myself. The home was unforgettable. Rage and sadness flowed through me at impossible speeds. Thoughts filled my head like, why am I doing this again? Why am I here? Why am I alive? I shouldn't be alive. I'm just a glitch.

But there were also the destructive thoughts, telling me to rip the home and its contents to shreds. I was staring at the home of the Creator, Ink.

A/N: sorry this was a short chapter since it was chapter one. But I promise I'll update the second soon. Please suggest anything and I'll consider them and maybe put some sort of cool twist on it. Well until next time Adios!

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