Larry Stylinson Drabble/One Shot Things

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                Sometimes it just get to Harry. Louis was just so beautiful. It was like seeing him for the first time all over again. It’s like—he doesn’t even understand how he can looks at Louis and not cry because of it, Jesus. It’s not even just one thing, it’s everything. Like, his eyes are gorgeous, his nose is cute, his hair is awesome, his thighs are delicious, and don’t even get Harry started on his ankles. He’s pretty sure he could write a sonnet about them. He’d call it “Ode to Louis’ Ankles.”

                Okay, so maybe not ode. It’s a weird word. Like, what even.


                “Hmm?” Louis replies from Harry’s chest. They’re watching a football game and Harry’s laying across the couch and Louis’ laying across Harry and he’s just so pretty, dammit, can he not.

                “Do you think ode is a weird word?”

                Louis sighed and shook his head (fondly, Harry would like to add). “What are you even saying?”

                Harry smiled. He liked Louis. “No, like, hear me out. I was thinking about writing an ode to your ankles and—“

                “No, stop right there. An ode to my ankles?” Louis asked, turning to face Harry with both eyebrows raised, a (fond) smile, and amusement in his eyes. “What even goes on in that big head of yours?”

                “Heeey,” Harry pouted. “My head’s not big. It’s mostly my hair.”

                “Mhm,” Louis noted and Harry could practically smell the fond radiating off of him and does Louis not realize the extreme emotional pain he’s putting Harry through?

                (But Harry does kind of like it.)

                “But, um, I was thinking that you’re just really pretty and I really love your ankles and I love you and I’m an emotional wreck don’t look at me.”

                Louis dropped his head and laughed hysterically into the crook of Harry’s neck. “Oh my god, you sound like one of our fans, I can’t even,” Louis said in between fits of giggles (and maybe while he’s at the ode to Louis’ ankles Harry can write an ode to his laugh, too).


Hi. So I usually get really bored in math after a test because I always finish really early and I end up writing these drabble things and I wanted to turn it into an actual one shot but I got stuck so I was all "fuck it I'm just gonna post it" and yeah. I have another but it's even shorter than this one and I see more potential in it so that'll come along later. But yeah, enjoy, I love you all bunches, sorry I still haven't updated Long Distance (to those who read it). It's half written and I just lost motivation. It'll happen one day, my pets.

Love you,

~Erin :)xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2014 ⏰

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