Second story

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The Monster

Hi my name is Julia and I'm 16 with a 2 year old son named Chris,let me just tell you how my life turned out this way. It all started when my mom married a jackass named Nick when I was 13, at first everything was fine he had a great job, he took good care of me and my mom. On June 3rd he came home and said he was laid off, I started to feel sad for him. My mom told Nick to come in the room so they can talk, mind you I was in my room drawing trying to pay attention but I started hearing yelling and but it got quiet and now I can here my mom start crying saying "stop please Nick stop"!

After that he left, I quickly ran into my mom's room to see if she was okay ..... It was blood everywhere her nose,eyes and mouth. Mom "julia can you please get me a towel" she says while crying. "Yes mom I'll help get cleaned up,mom please get some sleep". We finally get everything cleaned up and she goes to sleep, Nick walks in drunk...He stumbles in my room and begin to rape me. After he realized what he had done he left out. I didn't know what to do I thought this was my fault... Everyday he forced himself on me I soon realized I gain alot of weight at the age of 14 so my mom took me to the doctor and they said I was pregnant.. All my mom can do is drop her head, when we got in the car she asked me who did this to me and I said it was Nick we both just cried I was so worried she would blame me but she didn't..... As soon as we got to the house we acted like nothing didn't happen. My mom cooked some dinner she went to the livingroom where I was at and told me to pack my stuff we were leaving I ran in my room and pakced everything and threw it out the window, after dinner we started getting ready to leave when Nick noticed his eyes were blood shot red, "Where the hell do yall this yall going" Nick said. "We are just going the store babe we will be right back" my mom said. I must've looked frightened because he tried to grab me and my mom busted his head with a vase. He dropped to the floor I thought he was dead,we ran to the car with our stuff and drove off straight to the police station. When we got there, I told them everything about what had happened. They went to the house to arrest him and find him gone, we stayed at a hotel all night then we heard knock at the door thinking it was the police and I opened it but it was Nick he bum rushed both me and my mom to the floor he grabbed a piece of glass and tried to cut my mom but she mased him. We both ran again to the car and he tried to chase us but was not fast enough. My mom called the police but we didn't know that cops sat outside for the entire time. They arrested him,he went to jail for attempted murder and a rape charge. He is now spending life without parole. Even though I have his child this baby will always be the love of my life.

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