A Place To Belong

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 New York City is a story that unfolds every second of every minute of every hour. It never sleeps because it always has something to say. Once you step foot into the City, even if only for a short time, you are inevitably part of that story. You are pulled into the whirlwind adventure that is unfolding before you. 

 I do not feel like I have adequate words to properly describe what NYC is like. It is a thriller, a romance, a comedy, and a tragedy all at once. It overwhelms you with sights, sounds, smells, and beautiful chaos. You are invited in and repelled by it all at once. It takes a lot from you, but it gives back so much more. Whether you love the city or hate it, it leaves a permanent mark on you. You will be inspired to be authentically yourself. There is something so liberating about knowing that when you are here, you can be whoever the hell you want to be. You can dream freely, dare greatly, and step into the unknown with complete confidence.

  For me personally New York speaks to the deepest parts of my soul. When I walk those city streets I feel completely and totally alive. Being there makes 'impossible' seem like a laughable term. My dreams are so reachable. I know that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to and I can do it confidently. In NYC I can dress how I want, express what I feel, and believe what I want to about religion. The most amazing thing is that I still have a place where I belong. The city awakens me, inspires me, and reminds me that my adventure is never ending. I am my truest self when I'm in New York City. And for that reason, NYC feels more like home to me then anywhere else I've ever been.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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