Tattooed Heart (Harry Styles~Fan Fiction)

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I thought I would be fine and be able to get used to the fact that he's gone, my dad he was gone, my mum had fallen apart I couldn't bare seeing her like that it broke me, I felt there was a part of me missing like a missing piece to a puzzle, or like a rose with no thorns.


I had to get out and about, I needed to take my mind off of things! I went for a walk down the busy streets of London when I heard a scream coming from down a dark ally so I cowardly ran not knowing what was behind me and not knowing what or who I was going to run into! My face had gone pale, my eyes had gone bloodshot with tears streaming down my face like a niagra falls, as I looked up I ran straight into young man, so there i was lead on top of him still shedding tears, I sat up and clenched my eyes shut trying to stop the tears but then with his big, soft, tender hands on my face and with his thumbs he tried to wipe away the tears and whispered to me "Open your eyes" as he said that I felt safe like I had no cares in the world and nothing to worry about, his voice was so graceful, smooth and it was like an angel had just spoke.


I opened my eyes slowly only to see one of the most perfectest boys I've ever seen, his bright emerald green eyes shining in the sunlight like fresh grass on a summers morning, his dark wavy brunette hair just perfectly resting on is forehead with 1 strand of hair delicately fallen across his left eyebrow. I thought to my self how could he be more perfect.


"Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going, I should go!" I said with a nervous voice as I went to get up. "Hey don't worry bout it, na look here babe what you gettin all upset about?" he said with a deep, raspy voice. "Uhhh... Well I-" he interrupted as he could see I was uncomfortable "Look my names Harry, and well I can see something's wrong so let me take you out for coffee or something!" I hesitated "Uh well um ok sure why not, oh and my names Mackenzie." I stood up straight and helped him up, as I looked around there were many people walking and staring at us which we then realized it was probably because we had been lead on the floor for about 10 minutes.


We walked over to a small costa café, and he got us both a hot chocolate and we went and sat down in the corner, I looked up at him just to see that he was already staring at me but as I looked deep into his eyes he still continued to stare at me and then finally to break the awkward silence he said to me "Your so unbelievably gorgeous it's unreal, I mean your hair it's just so natural and glossy and it's like wavy but curly and your freckles they look as if they form a little cat mask around your eyes they look so cute and sexy and your eyes, their so unique, their a dark misty green on the outside and a faded brown on the inside toward the pupil!" I could feel the right corner of my mouth rising into a smirk, I felt ill but at the same time I felt like screaming with happiness, I just didn't know what to feel, so I just said to him "Hehehe, thank you, your not so bad yourself" he smiled "Cheeky, but I like cheeky hahaha!" he said and gave me a face as if to say 'ohh, girl with attitude!' so I gave him a sexy smirk and bit me lip giving him seducive look.


We finished our hot chocolates and went for a walk in the nearest park "Hey do your friends like give you a nickname like something short for your name because you have a pretty long first name no offense!" he said with a curious look on his face, "Well it woud normally be Mack but it sounds more of a boyish name so they say the last letter of my name so my 'short name' what everyone calls me is Zie, bit odd but I'm just used to it now, do you have any short/nick names?" I had a slight giggle, I didn't know why I just Kinda did "Well sometimes it's either Haz or Hazza, hey Zie I think your phone is ringing" I reached into my bag and saw it was my mum and I'd had 3 missed calls from her and thats when I became seriously worried so we both went and sat down on a bench and then I called my mum, it rang and rang and rang and then she finally picked up i said "Mum whats wrong? God I'm so sorry I didn't pick up I didn't even realise that it had rang!" there was nothing but silence then she answered "Zie, calm down! Look I know I haven't done much because what has happened over these past few days and I haven't really left the house and I need to get out and about and I was just going to ask if me you and your sister want to go out for a meal?" I look at Harry and then said "Yeah why not but I'm kinda with someone at the moment" I heard Harry giggle and mum said "Oooo it sounds like a boy tell him he can come, I'd like to meet him!" i didn't really realize that Harry could actually hear her so I looked at him and he was nodding and he whispered "I'd love too join you out to a meal!" I thought to myself 'why, why, why is she so loud on the phone?' I said to mum "Yeah he said he would like to come, so I'll be home in 10 minutes ok!" she simply replied "Ok hun see ya" the line went dead and I looked at Harry "You just had to say yes didn't you, just to annoy me!" he gave me a smile and we both stood up, I look up at him only just realizing how much taller he was than me, he looked down to me and said "Alright short arse here's my number, so text me where and when I should meet you" I widened my mouth as he called me 'short arse' so I said "Ok lanky man I'll see you in a bit!" he typed his number into my phone and saved it as 'HOT STUFF' he smiled and walked away into the city crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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