What if

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What if?

Something I ask myself everyday.
What if? What if I had just gotten up the courage to tell her? To tell her how I really felt?

Exactly 3 months ago today, I inhaled my first vape cloud. Not that I wanted to- but my best friend didn't believe me when I told her that.

So, that night at her house, I bit my lip and sucked it up.

It burned. BAD. Not only did it have a high temp set, but there were 24 milligrams of nicotine in it. Disgusting, right?

But, even though it burned, I kinda liked it... it felt relaxing, and my head was all light and fuzzy.

What I was experiencing is called a "nicotine high". It is one of the best, than worst feelings I have ever had. Even so, nowadays I crave it. I'm completely addicted to it, and have to restrain myself every time I see a vape with nicotine.

What if, though? What if I hadn't given in, despite all the peer pressure? Despite my best friends disbelief?

I bet my life would be much easier then. 

Anyways- that's my what if. Hope you enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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