How Could She?

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Olivia's POV

"How? How could she?" I whispered. I remembered the day. The worst day of my life.


   I was sitting at my desk, humming Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri when Louie came in.It was Valentines Day, and I knew Louie was going to give me the most precious thing ever. He knew that I had my eye on a beautiful necklace with a crystal O on it, and I was sure he would buy me it. Louie had a perfectly decorated box. I sighed, for that was the box that perfect necklace was in. He smiled and walked in the direction of me. I perked up, but Louie walked on beyond my desk to Taylor's, two desks next to me. He set the box on her desk and smiled with the lips that I had once kissed so tenderely, gave Taylor that smile that I had loved so passionately. Taylor opened the box, and I saw the necklace. With a crystal T on it. Everyones' eyes were on Taylor watching, watching for her reaction. It came. She squealed and got up, kissed Louie. Louis, the traitor, whose lips had once touched mine. Everyone's heads turned in my direction, watching for my reaction. I fought hard to keep those tears from coming. To let out my feelings, I rummaged in my bag for the loving valentine I had made for Lou. I grabbed it, scrunched it up, and grabbed on of my childish storebrought ones. I edited it, so it now read" Youre NOT mine, traitor. Hate, Olivia."

   Flashback over

I fought hard to keep those tears coming, like that day.

I know this was a really really short chapter but this was just to introduce what had happened. I only had 20 minutes to type this chapter, anyways! Love, Me

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