Fun unrolls each day @ DCE!!!!!!!

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Just an inch taller,though quite grown up

Finally in college, Kid...huh??? just Shut up!

No waking up at 6, no school at 8

Fun all the way, each time its with destiny a date

No 100% attendances, no regular birds in class

Not just me its a bunk Mass

Mech Can our cool catch -on junction

NesCafe, CCD, Maggi Baba- The knights receives special mention

Grades well its all wet, kinda sea Red

Result day usually mournful, damn cold Dead

am flunk and so are you, makes up BFF!!!(LOL)

the other got grades better, friends now WEF!!!

Share care and warmth....standing up together

Golden college memories will stay forever

With tears and edging knuckles, our Voy(age)

with tears of latent pain and visible Joy

Each day is a memory, handful to learn

Less on cheese but double burst Fun!!

Life is carefree, live each day full on.....

Coz days at DCE, won't last for long!

-Dhruv Sapra

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2012 ⏰

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