America oneshot for safire521

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Country Name: Wales

Human Name: Skeeter


Gender: female

Personality: kind of out there (but doesn't get into other peoples bisness) she can also be quiet around Russia and Germany because they kinda scare her. She also LOVES to surf and likes to read. Also is really good at climbing trees because she has to when she hides from her brother (England) and his scones

Looks: She has red hair tied back and wears a flannel shirt with shorts and suspenders. She also has black framed glasses and red converse.

Friends: England and Scotland (her brothers) Canada, Italy,and almost anyone that's not Russia and Germany

Enemies: Prussia and Romano because they dont count her as a country because she is ruled over by England

Crush: America History: She was born a country but she was young and need someone to help and that was England and still is England but she something talks in Welsh to annoy him because he cant understand it.

Family: England And Scotland are her brothers and Ireland is her sister

Other: England doesn't like her hanging out with America which is why its so hard to be with him also she finds it kind of annoying how oblivious America can be at times


I loved it when I got to hang out with America. I wish it happened more often. My brother would not let me see him. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I had a text! Finally, someone to talk to! I knew it wasn't England because he found texting a "waste of time" and preferred to call. I looked at it. America!

Hey u free friday?

Yup. Y?


I laughed. So funny how he got so excited over one little party.

My phone started ringing. The ringtone was "We are Young" (author: it's all I could think of!) and That was my alert that England was calling.


"Did America text you about his party on Friday?"

"Yeah, why? Don't want me going?"

"You're old enough to make the right choice."

"I'm going."


"Yeah, I think I'm going. Just because you don't want me to."


I looked at the clothes in my closet. Had to find something nice to impress America. It was a casual party, so nothing dressy. Maybe I should switch out the flannel for a simple polo? No, to simple. I decided on a semi-dressy button down shirt that was blue, my usual shorts minus suspenders, and my usual converse. I did my makup as usual, and decided to change up my hair a little. I put it in a braid and tied it with a white ribbon. I wore a red bracelet. I wondered if America would notice the use of his flag colors. Probably not.


I had a lot of fun and found that I could dance pretty well. England was drunk, France was hitting on any and every female in a hundred meter radious of his position, and Italy was cheerfully eating pasta. All was right.

"Hey! Dudes! We should play a game!"

Somehow America got everyone to play "7 minutes in heaven" great. I hope I don't get France. *shudder* When it came to be my turn I pulled out the first thing I could. A... McDonald's ketchain?

"Who's got the MikkyD's Keychain?"

"Yo! Brah, that's me!"

America!!! (couldn't see that coming...)

We were shoved into the tiny closet with the warning of "Seven minutes..." and that was that.

"So... could you get off my foot?"

"Oh, man sorry Skeets!"

"It's alright..." I said shakily, "Well this is awkward..."

"So... you ever play this game before?"

"No, I know how it's played though..."

"Um... so..." He said, "Whatever we say doesn't leave here okay?"

"Sure. Why?"

"Iloveyouandwanttobewithyouforeverandever!" He spoke in a rush.

"What? I got none of that... AT ALL."


"I don't need it one word at a time. Slow it down a little, a lot. Like 120 BPM kay?"

"Have no idea what that means, but I still love you."

I stared at him in disbelief, "Love...? Really?"

"Yup. Mind?"

"Huh," I realized it was his way of asking for a kiss... "O-okay..."

The door opened just after the kiss ended.

Prussia immeadietly began to pester me. I hit him.

We were happy together, and eventually America helped free me. We had a son. His name is Brice. He was what finally convinced England that America was good.

A/N: Hey, I hope you like it... I had no idea what to do for this one!

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