Personality Growth Through Awareness Ones Cognitive Functions.

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Personal Growth
(Self-Integration from
an INFJ perspective)
through Awareness
of Cognitive Functions


(Let me start this off by saying this is very broad, and generally objective view of the process of learning ones cognitive functions. Then integrating them into full cognitive awareness. To do this it takes a certain psychic phenomenon I like to call conjunction of  opposite energies, or union of the opposites.)

Personal growth is something that we all struggle &  yearn  for,  sometimes  on  a  deep unconscious level. I will try to explain how to expand you're   mind & personality through becoming aware of our cognitive functions.
  It  will  help   to   have   a   better understanding of this,  if you have  a  basic  understanding of you're own mbti  personality   type  &  a  basic knowledge of cognitive functions. 
Well, the biggest obstacle  to  personal  growth  is  the relationship between the dominant function  and  the  rest  of  the  ego functions like Auxiliary, Tertiary   & inferior  function.  The  process  of integration  really  starts  with the dominant function allowing   the auxiliary function to take up it's own identity by giving it the freedom to express itself fully & naturally. The reason behind going for the auxiliary function first is because, you don't want the tertiary to start drifting away, due to the onesided attitude of the auxiliary function. When people allow their dominant function to bully & over-power the other ego functions, occurrences of the runaway dominant function effect take place, (like Nietzsche).
  So this is why I advocate for personality  growth  from the dominant function down (working from the dominant down assimilating them into consciousness, then integrating them to blend with our full day to day life.
  One thing I will stress is to always make sure you work the other ego functions in with the blessings of you're dominant function. This starts bonding a working relationship  of  mutual  benefit.  It   is important to integrate the inferior function by finding a way to Incorporate it into daily life consciously. I believe to do this, it's important to learn as much about you're types dominant and inferior function as you can. Learn the attitude of those functions, there likes, there dislikes. This will allow you to excercise you're inferior function in a emotionally healthy manner,    through    a    mutual subordination & usefulness to all the functions as a unit.
(especially to dominant Ni types,   like   in  the    case    of   infj)  The inferior    function  will  have  to demonstrate it's  merit  to  the  dominant function and the overall personality structure,  &   in  turn  the   dominant function will have to compromise, as well  as   stop     being   so   rigid   in   the application of dominance,  letting  the inferior    function   assume   it's   role naturally,  in  the  unified   personality structure. The dominant  -  inferior functional relationship is just the most important parts of breaking through and discovering the shadow functions, but it is also very important   to learn, & discover then cultivate naturally you're auxiliary function & tertiary functions.
When  I  say  naturally,   this   can    be  achieved    by    getting    a    good
understanding of the  personal preferences, likes  and  dislikes,  their wants, desires & attitudes of  all  you're   ego   functions.  Learn how to  cultivate  each one without(without being too clumsy ) stepping on the toes of the others. (it's basically a balancing )    you  can continue  your  naturalization by applying each one, as it is most needed throughout day to day life. Thereby a rearranging of perception, thought process   &  cognitive patterns. You're functions then start to identify their roles, locking them in, and a mutual benefiting of natural efficiency takes hold, allowing true-open cognitive expression, strengthening our functions individual resolve, mutually supporting each other. (integration is all about acceptance of  differences even though they contradict each other, thereby holding the tension of the opposites.)

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