Raining.. For You..

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Every day I'll go back and swim,

For hours in your puddle.

The sun's rays are certainly not dim,

The skin burns they cause certainly aren't subtle.

The suns abuse against my skin

can't keep me from coming again.

Your words flooded out

Meaningful no doubt.

You told me you loved me, that you'd stay.

You have helped me through every rainy day.

Your emotions flow out of you

Like a waterfall in the spring

Once I saw you, I knew.

You were never good at this type of thing.

You saw my insecurities and help me see through

I look down at my reflection

puddles of inspiration

"every drop is thought I've had for us"

"so when you're having doubts don't you fuss"

"My love for you pours like rain," he said

"I want you more than just in my head"

Every drop that shall land on your skin

Is a symbol of out love

That with each drop shall remove from my heart a pin,

Your beauty gives my heartbreak a shove

Off a bottomless pit never to be seen again

I'm falling for you

like the raindrops do

The spark I felt was electric

your beauty was perfectly symmetric

Lightning struck my heart

No flash flood could ever tear us apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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