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"You ready to get out of this place?"

   Kihyun nodded and smiled, kissing Changkyun quickly. Changkyun turned and noticed the guard from before with his back turned to the couple, the idiot standing close enough to the bars that Kihyun could easily use his handcuffed hands to strangle the guard to unconsciousness. Changkyun with his free hands, as he was favored by many guards, took the guards keys and opened their cell door. He grabbed the guard dragging him in the cell and quickly swapping clothes with Him, locking the guard in the cell and taking his handcuffed boyfriend through the jail. He kept his hat low and made sure to act roughly towards Kihyun, managing to shove him in to one of the police staff rooms. He looked around, managing to find a uniform he could let Kihyun wear. Kihyun, once released from his handcuffs, changed and kept his hat low as well. The boys nonchalantly left the prison, using the unconscious guards pass to unlock the main doors. Changkyun felt in his pockets for a set of keys, finding the ones he was looking for and pushing the lock button until he saw the lights of a nearby minivan. Changkyun rolled his eyes but headed for the car, getting in it and starting his ride to freedom. He drove until he was at least a state away before stopping. He looked in the car to find clothes and other nessecary things, stuffing all the things he needed in a backpack. They changed and ditched the car, heading for a nearby bus stop.

Kihyun leaned back on the bus stop bench and looked at Changkyun. "Where to now?" He asked, worry in his voice.

"Well Korea and America are out of the question so how about Canada." We could catch a bus ride and a good friend of mine lives there, could help us get jobs, he owns a large company, we could start a life, stay out of trouble." He suggested, kissing Kihyuns forehead.

"Us? Stay out of trouble? Youre funny Lim." He said, rolling his eyes as the bus pulled up, both boys boarded, relaxing, somewhat, for the first time in a year and a half.

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