Devil In Disguise

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-Authors note- Please no hate this is my first story and my tablet has really bad auto correct so, please don't judge my typing. And i hope you enjoy :-) And I will update asoften as I can. The chapters will ne short but meaningful.

It was so easy to love you. Yet sometimes it was the hardest thing.

Your name was Alex Rhodes. Hottie of the school, every girl wanted you. Yet, somehow you chose me over all of the other girls. My name is Sydney Bond and this is my story. 

I had shaggy mud colour hair and gray eyes. You had dark brown hair and chocolate coloured eyes. We I lived in a trailer park. You lived in a penthouse apartment. I was poor, you were rich. We were so different. Yet so alike.

I had to keep up 3 jobs to feed my 4 siblings. My mom died when I was 6, and my dad left us 2 years ago. I was 17. But you had nothing to worry about, your dad owned a jewlery storwe called "Good As Gold".

We had one class together, history. You sat right beside me, and even though I hated history, I treasured every moment.

One day we were sitting in class and our teacher steps up to the front of the room with some important news. He hadpicked our partners for the big history assignment we had to do. " Leila and Eric, Alice and Monica" But then he said something i will always remember,  "Alex and Sydney" The room seemed to go silent, I could feel the eyes on my back. But I was to happy to care. What had I done to deserve this? To this day I still don't know.

You came up to me after class and asked " Do yoy want to come over to my apartment later this week to get this started?" All I could manage was a squeaky yes. You wrote your number down, and told me to call you so we could set up a time. I actually skipped to my next class, thinking this is it, my life is finally turning around.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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