Say Something (Larry Stylinson)

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Harry sat at the edge of the bed, grasping onto his lovers hand and trying to keep the life inside of him. Tears were streaming down the curly haired mans face and Harry felt as if he could physically see the spirit draining out of his partner.

They had known for several months now, and had been biding their time left together.

You see, the problem is very simple. Louis has leukemia.

Harry continued holding the other man's hand, attempting to remain calm and not wake up Louis."It wasn't supposed to end this way!" Harry thought to himself. They were supposed to grow old together and have a house full of children and grandchildren.

"Why him?!" Was the thought that had been like a scratched record on Harry's mind, repeating over and over, leaving barely enough room for anything else.

Harry was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a light squeeze on his hand. Looking up, he saw Louis try to flash him an exhausted smile. Harry's vision once again blurred as a fresh onslaught of tears rushed into his eyes. Sniffling, he nuzzled his head into Louis' palm. Louis let out a barely audible sigh, and stroked his fingertips lightly on the other boy's cheek.

Shivers raced up and down Harry's spine, a gasp rushing out of his lips. Louis smiled, but quickly stopped as a sharp pain and sudden numbness invaded his body. He reluctantly let go of Harry's hand and doubled over, coughs racking his fragile frame.

Harry shot up from his seat, a terrified expression on his face as the beeping from Louis' heart monitor started to become infrequent. A wall of emotions crashed into Harry's body, as he watched Louis' breathing start to lessen as the blue eyed boy collapsed back onto his pillows. Shaking his head vigorously and mumbling "No, no, no..." Harry sank to his knees next to the bed grabbing Louis' now limp hand and listening to the one noise he hoped he would never have to hear.

The sound of a heart monitor flatlining.

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