I Got You - A Benedict Cumberbatch fanfiction.

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A/N: You might have seen this on Quotev, thats my account. I don't go on it much, so I'm posting it here. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as they seemed to.



It was my favourite place to relax, next to the Music shop that was down the street. London had become my favourite place to visit, they had everything here: good coffee, the sights, I even got to go down to see Baker Street with my brother! And, with me being a huge Sherlock fan and all, that was the best experience ever.

I was sat in my usual spot, by the window in the right hand corner booth that was closest to the door, but close to the heater. My mum stood at the counter, trying to decide what beverage to order. I was so wrapped up in my Harry Potter book that I didn't even see who had walked through the door. I heard the stranger take in a deep breath as the squealing started from around the room. It was a Saturday, and every girl imaginable was sat in Starbucks. Literally, the room was filled to the brim with girls; girls on dates, girls in huge herds, they were everywhere. I heard the few boys that were around the room sigh with either rage or jealousy, or probably both.

My mum turned around from the counter and forced her way through the crowd of people towards our booth. She struggled, her cup of coffee high in the air so as not to spill it as the crowd swarmed around whichever poor soul had walked through the door. I was so engrossed with my book that I didn't even notice her until she cleared her throat. I sat up with a sigh, dog-earred the page, and untangled my legs.

"Zoey, are you sure you don't want anything? I can fight through the crowd to get you a cup of tea and a muffin?" My mum said once the squealing had quietened down. Before I could reply, she was gone, her short blonde hair bobbing as she walked. She was 6 foot, slim, and loud. She was a free person, determined to do whatever she wanted whenever she felt like it. I, on the other hand, was more like my father; long brown hair that reached the top of my hips, brown eyes, slim, small, and quiet. I was more likely to be curled up with a book than be caught out having a drink. I prefer a cup of tea to a beer. How very bloody british.

As I picked up my book, I saw a figure standing next to my mums side of the booth, shifting awkwardly. I glanced up at him, momentarily, before looking down again towards my book. Then I snapped my head up. Was that... No, couldn't be. That couldn't possibly be him... I bit my lip and breathed deeply.

Yep, that was him. Dark, curly, tousled hair; high prominent cheekbones, the perfect shaped lips and blue eyes, which were enriched with green and gold. He cleared his throat and I snapped out of the trance he had me under. He gestured quickly to the seat in front of me and said in his deep, seductive voice;

"Mind if I join you, dear?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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