I'm So In Love With You

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I ran my hand across the smooth top of the piano. I looked around Lux, it was dead, there was no one there, not even Maze or Lucifer. "Do I take this opportunity?" I asked myself, I bit my lip and sat down at the piano and opened its lid. I ran my hands down the keys and sighed. I checked my watch, 12 midnight. Lucifer would be back soon, so I had to be quick. I pressed a key and let myself flow into the music, my hands skilfully pressing down on the first cord. "Feels like fire, I'm so in love with you." I sang closing my eyes. I don't know how long I had been in love with him. I felt like I always had. About 4 years ago, when I was 16, he had picked me off the streets not understanding why a child was roaming around Los Angeles late at night by myself. He took me back to his and told me that if I worked for him, I could stay. I cried that night. He asked me what I desired in life, and I told him.

"I want to be wanted, to be loved." I said, his eyes captivating me. "I want someone to need me, someone who won't want me gone."

I don't know why I told him. It just came out. Since that day, he has never left me alone. He has always been there for me, and I him. It was hard at first, he was so closed, afraid of my touch, but now he's the one to hug me first, place kisses on my head making my heart flutter every time. This man, this devil of a man, has me captivated and there is nothing I can do about it. "The power of love, force from above cleaning my soul" I put my heart and soul into the lyrics as if they were my own. I kept playing until I heard a voice from the top of the stairs.

"Well, what do we have here then." He said

I gasped and jumped away from the piano. "Lucifer, I-I didn't think you would be back so soon! I-I'm so sorry I-I just wanted to play." I looked down at the keys, refusing to look him in the eyes.

"It's ok, (Y/N)" Lucifer said proceeding down the stairs. I didn't need to see him to feel him getting closer to me. He stood on the opposite side of the piano, his power radiating from his body. I glanced up at him through my eyelashes. He was staring at me. I looked back down. I couldn't look him in the eyes after singing that. I couldn't.

"(Y/N)." He said

"Lucifer." I replied, my eyes fixated on the keys.

"Why won't you look at me? You've been avoiding me all week! For dad's sake." It's true, I had been avoiding him all week, I didn't think he would notice though.

"I'm sorry, it's nothing." I look up at him and regret it instantly. He's looking at me and my heart is thumping I can't take it anymore. Lucifer sighs and comes around and turns me towards him.

"What is it love?" He asks. My heart thumps hard in my chest. "I'm so in love with you." I think

"It's nothing Lucifer, I swear."

"(Y/N), you know I don't like liars." He said looking me in the eye. Fuck. I can't tell him

"I'm not lying Luci, I swear." I tell him, plastering a smile on my face.

"Fine. If you won't tell me, I'll work my powers on you." He stated simply. Panic set into my heart. He would do that, I know he would.

"Fine! Fine! I'll spill, but you have to stand on the opposite side of the room." I tell him resuming my place at the piano.

"What? Why would yo- "

"Just do it Lucifer." I tell him readying myself. He backed away with his hands raised. I sighed softly, closed my eyes and picked up where I left off. "I'll protect you from the hooded claw, keep the vampires from your door, when the chips are down I'll be around." I stopped for a second and opened my eyes, he was watching me intently. I looked him right in the eyes, "With my undying, death-defying love for you." I watched him whilst I was singing, as his mouth opened ever so slightly and his eyebrows raised. I closed my eyes again and finished the song. "Make love your goal." I opened my eyes. He was no longer standing in front of me but behind me. He pushed out the stool I was sitting on with one leg and moved in front of me. We looked each other in the eyes before a small smile blessed his face. I took a sharp breath in. "Lucif- "I began, but he cut me off.

"How long?" He asked

"I-I don't understand." I said fully understanding what he was suggesting

"Yes, you do"

"I-I don't know." I whisper. I could feel the tears burning my eyes

"You don't know how long you've lo-lo—" He stumbled

"Loved you for? No, I don't know Lucifer! Fuck how could I have been so stupid!" I stood up and made my way to the lift. I kept my back towards him "To think you would ever love me, whoever thinks that is clearly delusional!" I shout waving my hands upwards.

"(Y/N), plea- "

"No, Lucifer. Just drop it." I spit out, entering the lift and pressing the button to take me up to the penthouse. As the doors closed I could feel his eyes on me. When the doors closed, I let my head hang and let out a sigh. Why did I have to fall for him? What did I do to deserve this pain? The lift ground to a halt and I turned and stepped out making my way to the bar. I needed a drink, maybe more. I grabbed a bottle and a glass. I filled the glass to the brim with the Vodka. I didn't even care anymore. I took the glass and downed it feeling the liquid burn my throat. I sat the glass down and grabbed my bottle and stood on the balcony drinking it at a steady pace. I stared up at the clear LA skies. I felt sick. I couldn't believe I told him how I felt. Clearly, he was going to tease for me. It's what he does for Christ sake.

"I know you're there Lucifer." I said before taking a large gulp of the remaining vodka.

"What are you doing (Y/N)?" His voice came from right behind me. Damn he was closer that I thought.

"Nothing that concerns you." I told him.

"Everything you do concerns me (Y/N)," He said grabbing my shoulder and turning me around.

"Father, what in my name do you think you're doing? You're underage!" He scolded, taking the bottle out of my hand

"Like you care. Like you care."

"I care more than you think (Y/N)."

"Is that what your therapist told you is it?" I said brushing past him

"No," he said, "It's not actually."

"Right." I said sarcastically, walking to the bar again.

"Now wait a second (Y/N), we need to talk." Lucifer said to me as went to stand in front of me. I let at a sigh

"We really don't need to Lucifer, it's not necessary. I fucked up, I shouldn't have said anything an- "

"(Y/N), just shut up for a moment yeah? Look, I myself am still processing what happened, and I need to tell you something of the utmost importance I- "

"You don't see me the same way I see you, I get it Lucifer no need to rub- "

"Fuck sake (Y/N)" he said before grabbing my face and kissing me hard.

Before I had time to react, he pulled away and leant his forehead on mine. "I love you too." He breathed. My heart leapt, he loved me? He loved me! I couldn't believe it. "Lucifer." I whispered, placing my hands on either side of his face and pulled him in for a sweet kiss. I pulled away and looked at him. He kissed my forehead before pulling me towards the couch where we sat in each other's embrace just talking about this that and everything. We were talking for a long time before I drifted off to sleep in the arms of the man I loved.


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