Dear E,
I'm happy for you. Really I am. I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed. Not with you, just with the way the situation has turned out. We promised each other that we would never drift apart, yet that's exactly what we're doing. We told each other it was us against the world and boyfriends wouldn't get between us no matter what. But now that you have one it feels as if that vow was washed down the drain. It hurts me so much and yet I don't say anything. I can't. It would be selfish and cruel after all that you've been through. Between the both of us you are the one that deserves the happiness the most. Life has been shit to you and I'll be damned before I allow myself to take away your joy. That's why I suck it up every day and don't let the pain show. I don't want to let you know how I'm feeling because I don't want to make you feel guilty. I don't have the right and even if I did I still wouldn't. You mean everything to me and I never want to see you break a frown. So with this said, I'll keep my feelings bottled up in hopes that I don't harm your own. Don't let the world get you down bookworm.
Your Best Friend..?