Kid Obito Uchia x Kid Reader

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A/N: Before you read this i just have to say that I do not own anything of this story all the writing and idea come from my best friend Andreea so all credit goes to her.

~~Back to storry~~

("Y/N!)" your mom calls out all the way from the kitchen. "Come on, honey! Time to go to school!" You groan heavily as you grab your alarm clock and chuck it at the wall with all your might. It shattered into fifty pieces and springs and gears flew everywhere around your room.

"Mom, I don't wanna!" you complain loudly. "It's Friday, why can't I stay home?"

"You'll be staying home for two entire days after this! So come downstairs right now, eat your breakfast, and get ready for school." You lazily get out of bed but try to get dressed in the prettiest outfit you can find. After all, you have to look your very best for your crush, Obito Uchiha, the most gorgeous and amazing person you've ever met. Usually, he's mean to people because he hates them, but lately, for some strange reason, he seemed to be getting nicer to you, which always made you extremely happy. After eating breakfast and packing your school bag, you leave for school and catch up with your two best friends at the entrance of the school doors.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" cried your first friend named Sophie.

"Guess who's here?" shouts your other friend, Chanelle. They both pointed in the direction you just came from and you turn around in confusion and curiosity.

And there he stood. Obito Uchiha, the biggest crush you've ever had in your entire life, was standing about 20 feet in front of you facing left, where randomly stood staring into the distance. You couldn't help the dizzy rush of emotions that almost made you faint on the spot just then. Your cheeks furiously turned a dark shade of red as he ran a hand through his perfect black hair. This badly made you daydream about how nice it would be to be able to stick your own hands into his hair and stroke it. A sickeningly idiotic, creepy grin spread across your face and, in that exact moment, he turned your way and your eyes met suddenly without any warning. You frown almost as quickly as the smile that had appeared on your face and you spin around in a flash, terribly embarrassed at he caught you.

"OMG!" whispered Chanelle in enthusiasm.

"He's still staring at you!" gushed Sophie. "Look how gigantic his pupils became! And the split second eyebrow flash, oooooooh!" You shove them both aside, playfully.

"Stop it, he probably doesn't even know I exist," you lie. You then walk away before Sophie and Chanelle can tease you more and ruin your concentration on school for the rest of the day. Thankfully (but sadly at the same time), Obito wasn't in any of your morning classes, so it was easier to get through the day without too many distracting thoughts. And when lunchtime came around, you grabbed your lunch box, which contained a lettuce and tomato sandwich, an orange juice box, and a poppy seed muffin, and flew down the stairs in a rush to eat your delicious lunch. Because what is life without food, ya know? But right when you get to the bottom of the stairs, one of the popular jocks of the school approaches you.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" he called out while smiling. You smile back at him flirtatiously (not because you like him, but because that's what you do to pretend you actually do) and say, "Yeah?"

"Yo, so the guys triple-doggy-dared me to kiss you. What do you say?" Your eyebrows shoot up even more flirtatiously as you accept.

"Okay," you answer and slowly walk towards him and start playing with the collar of his sweater. "One kiss won't hurt. Plus, we wouldn't want you to lose your reputation as King of the World." With that, the guy smirked and you pulled him towards you by his collar and your lips crashed down on each other. His lips moved around yours desperately and you teasingly returned the favor. You continued on for about 10 seconds before you pulled away vigorously.

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