The fight

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Niall POV:

"Paul can we pull over I have to use the loo". "Why don't you use loo that we have". "Because Harry's in there be side's we need gas any way". "Alright. Jimmy pull over at that gas station up the road". OK.Excuse me were is the loo? Its in the back but you have to go outside to get to it. OK thank you. Niall  goes in  2 minutes later he comes out hearing someone try to scream he turn's round to see a girl with brown hair getting beat up by a man. He then run's over to stop him. "A you leave her alone" he yell's.The man then runs over in the other direction . Niall then runs over to see if she's OK. She is unconscious he yell's for Paul. Paul says "we need to get her to the hospital immediately" . Niall then pick's her up and rush's over to the bus and Jimmy ask's who is that "no time for question's" Niall yell's. so jimmy drives to the hospital and while the drive the  boys ask who she is and Niall  says "I don't know someone was beating her up in the ally when I came out of the loo". "oh my god that's terrible who would do that she looks like a nice girl defiantly hot" Liam says. Niall nods yeah your defiantly right about that the rest of the boys say. 10 minutes later they are at the hospital and Niall rush's her her in and yell for a doctor. Then a doctor named Tim  comes and ask what happened and Niall says  she was beat up in a ally and I think she cracked her rib because it was sticking at her skin. The doctor said that they may have to do surgery. They then put the girl on a gurney  and take her into surgery. About 1 and a half hours later the doctor said she is awake now and is a little drowsy from the gas though so you could ask her a question and she would tell you she will tell you answer  she should were off of the gas in half a hour. "OK thank you Niall says can  I go see her now?" Yeah"the doctor says. I then walk in to see the girl that I saved at least four hours ago. I asked her  how is she feeling and she said her rib hurting I said that it will be better soon. she then says I hope so. I then asked her"what her name was and she said her name was Elise. And I thought to my self that is a beautiful name. that's a pretty name I said to her. Thank you she said. I than asked her if she knew who I was and she said are you that cute boy in One direction. I than blushed at that and said yes and a few moments later Liam came into the room with the rest of the boys. They all asked how she was she said her side hurt.

Elise POV:

It was the most amazing but worst feeling ever. Knowing that someone would just attack me like that but also knowing that my idol of my favorite band and my crush just saved me from getting beat to death. And told me that I have a pretty name and then be able to see the whole band made my heart melt. I could never be so happy but scared at the same time. The next day the boys brought me back to there place in till I can remember where I live they showed me around there place they lived at and were they lived was huge they had a big lounge And big kitchen with a island in the middle of it and then they showed me the garden which was beautiful and then there was the game room in the basement with the gym next to it and then they showed me their rooms Harry's was the first one on the right then Liam's then Niall at the end of the hall. And on the left was Zayn's the Lou's then the guest bedroom and it was amazing knowing that I was across the hall from Niall Horan the other boys.


Niall POV:

Later that evening Harry called all of us for dinner. first one to the table was me than Lou then Liam then Zayn then Elise I could not believed that I am not going to be able to eat the extra food I said to my self now that there is a super hot girl her. And I was the one to save her. we all ate and Lou told her all of his jokes  we then decided to play a game of spin the bottle mixed with truth or dare  but it was more like I was forced to rather than play. So Lou pulled us into a circle to play so Lou spun the bottle and it landed on liam who  was then dared to eat soap and try to blow  bubbles which he failed at so he just got soap in his mouth so Liam spun the bottle and it landed on Zayn who chose truth and liam asked him if he ever  gotten flashed n

by a girl and I could see elise blushing at that and he said "yes all of us have".so Zayn spun the bottle and it landed on elise and you could tell she was nervous when she said dare all of the boy's said "ohhhh" and Zayn asked for "any ideas boys" and Lou was the first one and whispered it to him and he was like "I love it Lou" and then he said I dare you to go in the closet and make out with........Niall" and right then and there both are cheeks turned red when he said that I could not believe he had said that. He knew I liked her but I didn't know if she likes me back. so we were both push up and pushed into the closet and were locked in in tell we made out. "so" I said her cheeks  was like turning the color of a rose which I thought was cute of her. "so we have to kiss"I said to her and she was like "yeah we have to kiss" said. So I then leaned in and kissed her which felt amazing and it was a slow kiss but then it got a little more heated by the minute which I could not believe this was happening put right before are tough's were about to touch Lou opened the door which scared the both of us and he said " we only said you had to make  out not have sex" which made us laugh.

Elise POV:

when Louis said you were only so post to make out not have sex my heart started to race then Niall helped me up and he then kept "accidentally" keep touching my hand when we sat back down which to me was kind of cute. so harry spun the bottle and it landed on Niall who you could tell was nervous Niall said truth and was a relief but then harry asked him "how was the kiss"?And soon as he said that Niall looked over at me and then back at harry  Niall then said that "It was um... nice" and harry said "because from were we saw it looked like you two were really into" Niall bit his lip hard enough that I thought it was about to draw blood. Niall then said it was  great alright" he said then slouched back into his then spun the bottle and of course it landed on me. He asked me truth or dare and I said "truth" he thought for a second and said "who do you think is the cutes in the band" and they all looked at me and I was about to explode when when they all started to wiggle their eye brows at me and I had no idea what to do so I said" I think you all are" and they were like "no you have to chose one of us". so I had to think about it for a minute then I said " alright I've come to a decision and the cutes one is......... Louis". And everyone was like " what how could you chose him over me" Zayn said And harry said "i can't believe you didn't chose Niall he likes you and stuff and you chose Lou wow that must be hard for him to take in".I then looked to Niall and everyone just feel silent and Niall just said" thanks Harry for telling her" and then he ran upstairs and you could hear the door slam I just blinked and Lou said "  awkward" and all looked to them and they said that "I should go talk to him"and I nodded in a reply and I then walked up the stairs to his bedroom door I knocked and then opened the door and saw him his with the TV on with a magazine in his hands and with a embarrassed look on his face when he saw me came in. I sat down on the edge of his bed and he turned off the TV and put down the magazine and I

opened my mouth to speak but he interrupted me and said" look I am sorry If harry embarrassed you because he defiantly did to me" and I said "no it was cute.. waste I didn't mean it like that". he just started to laugh and I said " what's so funny" he said you trying not mess  up in front of me" and I said really because I am trying not to you that I like you to which I just said"+ I could see a smile tugging at the corner of Hus mouth I was mentally  slapping my self  he just looked at me with smile on his face." I can't believe  I just said that" and he Spain don't worry I thought it was cute" he said. then he leaned in and kissed  my cheek and he said "I think it was very cute actually" he said and then he said to me in a whisper for only me to hear "will you be my girlfriend?" And I thought I was I was about to faint. so I whispered back"yes"and smile grew wider and so did mine.


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