4. Cinema trip

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Shit shit shit. I just told Al that Adam likes her, he would kill me. Also I don’t want them shacking up, no way. She’s my best mate so would never do that though would she? Would just be cringey having my brother stay round all the time and stuff. I don’t need to be hearing that happen!

But anyway, she’s going to be spending more time with him because I want to spend more time at his now Dan’s around.We really hit it off on Saturday I think. He was talking about his band (which I didn’t realise was Bastille!) and how much he missed home when he was away. He also talked about the other guys in his band and how they all have girlfriends and he sometimes got jealous of them having someone to go home to. If that’s not hinting at something then I don’t know what is!

I finished my dinner and took mine and Al’s plates, washing them up as well as the pans she had used. It’s kind of what we do, she cooks and I clean up after. Works for me perfect cause I’m an awful cook. After, I went into the living room and grabbed a blanket and jumped onto the sofa with Al and we were just in time for Corrie. We watched it, constantly commenting on the characters and laughing at the awful storylines that were so obvious, when my phone buzzed. I looked down to a text from my brother.

-“Fancy doing Nando’s and cinema tomorrow? All the guys are in so get Ally along too yeah? And anyone else you know.. Oh wait you’re a loser and know no one in London hahaha ”-

-“Hilarious Adam! You love it really, means you get to see Ally who you looooove. But yeah we’re game. What time? x”-

-“Shut up Kay! I do not love her, stop being so childish! Films at 8, so pick you girls up at quarter to 7 then we can eat?”-

-“Alright bro calm down! Being very defensive for someone with no feelings ;) awesome see you then x”-

“We’re going to the cinema and Nando’s with Adam and the guys tomorrow by the way” I looked at Ally who nodded, clearly getting into corrie. This is so exciting. I get to see Dan again! Definitely going to make sure I sit next to him so we can have time to chat.


So Adam had arranged for us to go to the cinema and out for dinner tonight with the girls which will be fun. Means I get to see Ally again. Got to stop thinking like that though, think there might be something going on with him and her. The way he talks about her he obviously likes her.

We had just left and were walking to the girls house and for some reason I felt really nervous, why am I such an awkward person? We buzzed for the girls and they came down and we carried on walking towards Nando’s. I was walking along with Kaley but couldn’t stop looking at Ally who was in front of me. I wasn’t even paying much attention to what Kaley was saying to me and I did feel bad but really I just wanted to have the opportunity to talk with Ally a bit more. She was too busy flirting with Adam though, obviously. They are way more suited than me and her anyway.

We got to the restaurant and I happened to be sitting next to Ally which was obviously wicked for me. “So did the band forgive you for being late yesterday then?” she joked.

“Haha yeah a cup of coffee and muffin can solve anything can’t it?!” she laughed and nodded

“Very true Dan, very true. Although it’s got to be a blueberry muffin, obviously.”

“Goes without saying” I chuckled at her. “So, how was the job hunting? Find any work?”

“Urgh nope just handed out my CV everywhere and waiting for a call. Thought everyone would come flocking, cause you know I’m amazing hahaha. But yeah just going to be bored again as usual all this week it looks like.”

Dan this is your chance, ask her to do something this week then. “Uhh. I.. Well I don’t have band practice the rest of this week so could do something if you want?”

Silence. Actual silence. Why did I do that? She would never say yes. Or only say yes to take pity on me or something. She’s gunna think I’m a total pest oh god..

“Yeah that sounds amazing” she said suddenly. I looked at her and she was blushing but smiling. “Coffee shop tomorrow?”

I nearly forgot to talk I was so shocked. “Yeah that’s cool.” Do I give her my number? What happens? Just then she gave me her phone to type her number in. Fair enough. I grinned at her and gave her my phone to do the same.


Woah now Ally, calm down. Where the hell has this new found confidence come from?! Dan wanted to hang out. Internally I was screaming but I think I acted pretty cool and got his number and we agreed to sort it out in the morning. He probably only wanted to meet to ask questions about Kaley anyway.

After dinner we went to the film, where I was shoved on the end but sat next to Toby. He was constantly making jokes about everything in the film which is what I love, seeing as I can never concentrate on a serious film. Just as the killer was about to be revealed he cracked a joke, making me cackle with laughter. Everyone stared at me. That was embarrassing! I really hate my loud cackle of a laugh but couldn’t seem to stop giggling.

I glanced over at Dan and Kaley, who were sat together and Kaley seemed to be staring at Dan whilst he was clearly into the film, gawping at the screen. When the film was done we all walked back home, the boys taking a longer route to drop us off on the way back. I gave each of them a hug and agreed to text Dan when I was up and that I would see him tomorrow. As soon as we got in the lift Kaley started asking questions.

“So you’re meeting up with Dan?”

“Yeah. We thought we might as well, seeing as we both have nothing to do. That’s cool isn’t it?”

“Yeah course. You and him had a lot more banter going, looked like you get on well.” Uh oh. I felt ridiculously guilty. I knew she liked him but I still agreed to meet up with him. What an amazing best friend I am. I opened the front door and slouched on the sofa.

“Oh Kay I’m sorry I didn’t even think, you know I wouldn’t do anything sneaky like that. Do you want me to cancel?”

“Nahhh babe it’s cool. If you like him go for it, if not put in a good word for me?” She grinned as she walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on, making us both cuppa’s. “Yeah I don’t really know” she said whilst coming back into the living room handing me the tea “He’s fit and everything but don’t really know if we’ve got that much in common.”

“Ah well I will see what he thinks of you tomorrow don’t you worry” I grinned and snuggled up to her on the sofa. We watched a couple of episodes of friends and then took ourselves off to bed.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now