I've Got You

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((A/N: Photo credit to artist))

Anakin and Ahsoka were sent on yet another mission. The journey there in their Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter was relatively boring and quiet. R2-D2 was sent on a droid mission, so it ship was filled with far less sassy than normal. A small beep was heard from the radar. Another ship just got out of hyperspace and appeared right behind them. Before either of them could register what kind of ship it was, their ship was hit.
"Uh oh", Ahsoka said.
They started heading towards a planet.
"Looks like it's going to be another crash landing", Ahsoka mumbled.
"Hold on tight Snips."
When they broke into the atmosphere, you could see planet was heavily forested. The first thing you could really see was the color green. The ship looked like it was about to burst into flames as it skyrocketed down towards the planet. As they got closer to the planet's ground, it became more apparent to both of them that their ship was more than likely going to be impaled by one of the branches of a tree....and if they were likely the ship would be the only thing impaled. To say it was a bumpy ride would have been an understatement. The ship scraped against the branches. They hit a branch head on, causing both of them to jolt forward. Ahsoka caught herself from hitting the glass, but Anakin wasn't as lucky. He was hit unconscious.
They kept falling and Ahsoka closed her eyes and braced for impact, hoping that Anakin was going to be alright. The ship finally made contact with the ground with quite the jolt. Ahsoka wearily opened her eyes. She unbuckled and tried getting up and winced.
She glanced at her side to see that one of the bars that held the frame was wound its way around her left arm. She bit her lip as she carefully moved it away from her. She looked at her arm and grimaced. Some of the skin was torn off and it just looked like a bloody mess overall. She managed to get out of the ship as she held her left arm. She carried a slight limp as she managed to get to where her master was. She managed to open the hatch. He was still unconscious. She sighed and unbuckled him as she began to drag him out of his seat. She needed to get him far away from the ship just in case it blew up. She slowly trudged her way across the ground, trying her best to keep moving.
"No offense master...." she said in between breaths "But it might help in the future when I'm rescuing you...." she exhaled deeply "if you lost a pound....or two..."
She collapsed on the ground right next to him and closed her eyes. She tried to catch her breath as she turned to face him. She opened her eyes and took note on how peaceful he looked. She slowly got up and checked his pulse. Ahsoka sighed in relief to hear he hadn't left her yet. She laid back down on her back and looked at her surroundings.
"Look a bit like Yavin" she said to herself "But I guess I couldn't really say since I've only read up on it...never actually been there before..."
She sat up and looked back at Anakin.
"Let's see....take care of you first or me..."
She sighed when there was no answer. It wasn't like she was expecting one, but she did miss his witty replies. It felt almost too lonely without it. Almost.
"I guess you first" she smiled slightly and started walking back to the ship to see if there was anything she could use.
Ahsoka managed to find a canteen of water, some cans of food, a medical kit, and a blanket. She sighed wishing there was a bit more food and water, but they would manage. She thought about how she was going to ration all of it and came to the decision that Anakin's needs come first. She started by examining Anakin to make sure she didn't miss any other sorts of injuries. Unfortunately, she did. His ankle was badly sprained to the point that it probably would have been better if it was broken instead. She started caring to his injuries, even making sure his foot was slightly elevated. She started a small fire and began attending to her own wound. She wrapped her arm up with bandages hoped that it wouldn't get infected. She would have used the water from the canteen to clean in a bit, but knew that Anakin would need it more when he woke up. If he did wake up. She shook her head. She couldn't think like that. Not now. Not when Anakin needed her.
She attempted to contact someone, but the receptor was far too damaged. She would have to worry about trying to fix it later. The sun was starting to set and there was now a chill in the air. She rubbed her arms lightly for some sort of warmth. She picked up the blanket and draped it over Anakin. She could afford being cold, but he couldn't. It would be too risky. She sat down next to him and wrapped her arms around her legs as she stared at the tiny fire. She found herself gently holding his hand for some sort of comfort.
"Please wake up soon Anakin..", she said softly as she gave his hand a slight squeeze.
An hour or so went by and nothing really changed. Anakin was laying on the ground while Ahsoka sat next to him. No help had arrived. The only thing that changed was that it had gotten colder. Much colder in fact.
Anakin slowly opened his eyes and groaned. He looked around and was instantly confused.
'What in the world happened?' He thought.
Slowly everything started coming back to him. He glanced to his left and saw Ahsoka. He noticed that she was holding his hand and carefully caressing it with her thumb. It felt rather comforting.
"Ahsoka", his voice cracked.
You could barely hear it.
"Ahsoka", he tried again and a bit more louder.
Her head turned and her eyes widened,"Anakin!"
She quickly turned towards him and gently put her hand against his cheek.
"You're awake", She said smiling.
He smiled back and nodded slightly.
Reality checked in and Ahsoka realized she was caressing his cheek. She awkwardly pulled away, but Anakin brought her hand back to his face and left his hand against the back of hers.
"It's good to see you Snips"
She smiled again and caressed her thumb against his cheekbone.
"How do you feel?"
He chucked slightly,"Well....not exactly 100%, but I'll manage."
His smile stopped however when he caught a glimpse at her arm.
"Ahsoka.." he began to reach out towards it.
She moved away from his touch, "It's fine. Don't worry about it."
He gave her an unconvinced look, but decided not to push upon it.
She carefully lifted his head up and gave him some water. She put the canteen away as he took a deep breath.
"Thank you"
She nodded and opened a can of food. She got a spoonful and slowly lifted it to his mouth. Whether Ahsoka knew it or not, Anakin was starving. He finished the food rather quickly and sighed in content.
"What would you do without me Snips?" He joked.
She rolled her eyes and tucked him in more to shield him from the cold winds.
She sat down next to him,"You need to get some rest Skyguy. You'll need your strength for tomorrow."
"You don't need to worry about me Snips, I'm fine."
Ahsoka looked down and her smile dropped,"Well I do worry" she said softly,"I...I thought I was going to lose you and-"
He interrupted her by lifting her chin up to look at him.
"I'm not leaving you Ahsoka."
They looked at each other for a few moments before Ahsoka turned away and laid down away from him.
"What? No goodnight kiss?" Anakin said jokingly to lighten the mood.
Ahsoka smiled softly as she closed her eyes,"Nope."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm not Obi-Wan", she smirked.
He chuckled slightly,"Ouch. Don't let him hear you say that."
"I'll try not to."
Anakin closed his eyes,"Night Snips."
Ahsoka yawned,"Night....Anakin."
Anakin smiled at that and drifted off to sleep. Ahsoka didn't know what time it was, but she couldn't sleep. She was beyond freezing. Her teeth chattered as her body shivered. She glanced over at Anakin. At least he was fast asleep and at least he didn't seem a bit cold. That was good. Only if she could say the same for herself. She curled herself in a ball, but it didn't seem to help. The fire was out long ago and she didn't have the strength to set up a new one. Anakin was awoken by a strange sound. He rubbed his eyes and looked to his left to see Ahsoka curled up and shivering. He felt terrible seeing her like this, especially since he was perfectly warm over here. Granted that was mostly by Ahsoka's doing since she gave him the blanket.
'She keeps putting herself last' he thought.
That has to end.
"Ahsoka", he called to her.
'Oh no, I woke him up' she thought.
"Ahsoka? Ahsoka, come here."
She turned to look at him,"W-What?"
"Ahsoka come here."
She didn't think twice as she slowly crawled her way towards him.
"Here", he said as he opened the blanket up for her.
She shook her head, but he persisted.
"Ahsoka we'll share, it's fine."
Much to precious dismissal, she climbed in under the blanket. Her body was ice compared to his. She slowly laid her head against his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. She slowly began to relax against his warmth as he carefully wrapped his arms around her. She still shivered against his touch.
"Shh, I got you Snips."
She relaxed more.
"Shh, I'm here Snips, I got you."
She stayed quiet as he held her close.
"I'm not going anywhere."
He started rubbing her back soothingly.
"It'll be okay. We'll be okay. I've got you now. I'm never letting go Snips. Never."
Her shivering ceased as her eyes began to close. He held her tighter as she drifted off to sleep.
"Sleep well Ahsoka. You'll need your strength for tomorrow", he said softly as he lightly placed a kiss on your forehead.
"I've got you...", he mumbled softly as he drifted off to sleep as well.

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