Teenage Werewolf

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It was a cold rainy night when his life changed. Tyler and his friend Dylan were out searching for the other half of a body the one that they heard about over Dylan’s dad police radio. They heard a crackle up the hill Tyler had to stop to use his inhaler. Both of their heads pocked over the top they saw flashlight and heard dogs. They were looking of into the distance when feet appeared right in front of their eyes they looked up slowly and saw a flashlight glowing straight into their eyes. Then they saw sheriff O’ Brian’s. He pulled them both of them up by their ears while both of them screech in pain. “What are you two knuckle heads doing here?” he said with a look they see very often. They looked at each other trying to figure out their excuse this time. “We were um….” Dylan said hoping the words would just flow out of his mouth. “You know never mind whatever it is I bet its best I don’t know just get back.” Sheriff said. They both walked away laughing. They were just to the car when Tyler realized he lost his inhaler. “Dylan I lost my inhaler” Tyler said franticly. “Don’t worry lets go back and find it” he replied. They both traced their steps back to where Dylan’s dad caught them and they found nothing.       They were walking back when they heard something and then out of the trees deer started a stampede Dylan jumped out of the way but Tyler was too slow. He was getting trampled and kicked. He saw an opening and rolled out of the line of fire but what he didn’t know was it was a hill and went tumbling down. He found his inhaler at the bottom of the hill in a puddle of old rain water when he went to go pick it up he heard something. “Dylan… is that you?” he said hoping that he was right. There was a flash and then a pain in his side. In pain he pulled out his phone and looked around trying to see what bite him but there was nothing. “Dylaaaaan” Tyler screeched in pain. There were footprints and then leaves came down tumbling on top of his head. “Holy crap Tyler, how did you get down their” Dylan said. Tyler replied, “I, I don’t know just get me out of here.” Dylan tried to come down slowly and stealth like but he just came tumbling down in the end. He pulled him up and walked away he gently laid him down in the passenger side of his old light blue jeep while he walked around to the driver’s side. He drove him home and laid him on his bed and then left. The next morning he went into the bathroom to wrap up his wound but when he lifted up his shirt there was no mark not even a scratch. He went on with his morning like any other. He rode his bike to school like always when he was walking up Dylan jumped on his back. "Have you gotten any super speed or grown fangs yet!" Dylan said. "What are you talking about." Tyler said curiously. Dylan replied, "Well your a werewolf now you know because the bite and all." Tyler rolled his eyes like Dylan was crazy. He was sitting in English when he heard something, it was a phone but it was louder than usual. It kept getting louder and louder when, “Mom come on four calls on my first day isn’t that a little over doing it.” He looked around and then looked out the window it was a girl the prettiest girl Tyler has ever seen. She was talking on the. “Everything except a pen, really, I actually forgot a pen on the first day of school. Okay, okay, I got to go, love you.” The mysterious girl said. The principal walked over to her and was explaining how great the school was and all the things it offered. Tyler followed the sound throw the building. They both entered the class door. “Class this is our new student. Crystal Reed. Please try your best to make her feel welcomed.” The principal said and then walked out. She walked over and sits directly behind Tyler. Tyler turned around and handed her a pen. She replied, “Thanks.” in a curious but grateful manner. He turned around trying to contain his excitement. They were standing at the opposite side of the hall when their eyes met. “That jacket is totally killer. Where did you get it” Holland Roden said. She wasn’t just a girl she is the girl. The most popular dating the captain of the lacrosse team and was the prettiest girl in school. Allison replied, “My mom was a buyer from a boutique back in San Francisco.” “And your my new best friend.” Holland said. A strange guy walked over and kissed Holland. It was Colton the captain of the Lacrosse team and Holland’s boyfriend. “Can someone please explain to me how the new girl has been here for five minutes and she’s already hanging out with Holland and her clique?” A girl said standing next to Dylan and Tyler. “Because she’s hot….. Beautiful people are together” Dylan said. Tyler listens to their conversation. “So, this week-end, there’s a party” Holland says “A party?” she replies. “Yeah you should come, Friday night.” Crystal replies, “Oh, I can’t its family night…..But thanks for asking.” “You sure? Everyone’s going after the game.” Colton said. “Oh you mean like football?” Crystal mentioned “Please footballs a joke here. The sport here is lacrosse; we won national championship last year.” Colton basically declared. Holland replied all proud, “Because of the team captain of course!” “Let’s go!” Holland said while basically dragging her through the hall. It was the lacrosse team practice Crystal and Holland both were sitting on the bleachers while Tyler and Dylan were walking onto the field all geared up. “Come on I’ll be all alone on the bench would you really do that to your best friend.” Dylan gabbed about sadly. Tyler responded, “I can’t stay out again. All my life I was sitting on the side lines. This season I’m making first line.” “Posey!” the coach screamed. “Yeah” he answered jogging towards him. “You’re in the goal.” Coach said. “But I’ve never played…..” Tyler responded. “I know scouring some goals will bring the teams confidence up. It’s the first day! Now let’s go! Come on!” the couch announced. Tyler ran out there with no further arguments. “Who is that” Crystal asked Holland replied, “Him? I’m not sure why?” Tyler overheard their conversation. “He’s in my English class.” Said Crystal. Tyler hears the whistle, it’s louder than usual he puts his hands on his helmet trying to block out the sound when a ball hits his mask pushing him to the ground. The angry boils up inside of him he launches back up on his feet. He concentrates and then the next ball goes straight into his sticks net. Everyone is surprised and shocked and the one who’s most is Tyler. “Well he seems pretty good.” Crystal stated. Holland response with a surprised, “Yeah, He is?” Colton steps in front of the next player going trying to scare him but when he throws it I ball again goes straight into the net. Everyone applauds him including Holland, but Colton looks daggers at him. Dylan jumps off the bench screaming very proudly, “That’s my friend, that’s my friend!” Later that day the both of them go back into the woods. “I don’t know what it was; it was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that’s not the only thing I can hear thing, things I shouldn’t be able to hear, I smell things...” Dylan stopped him and said, “Smell, like what?” “Like the mint gum in your pocket.” He replied. “What I don’t have any gum…..” he said while pulling out a half piece of gum from his pocket surprised. “And this all started with a bite?” he said. “What if it’s like and infection? Like my body is full of adrenaline before it goes into shock or something worse.” Tyler said franticly. After a long pause Dylan said, “You know what I actually think I’ve heard of it……. It’s a specific kind of infection……. It’s called lycanthropy.” Scott pushed him and added, “It’s not funny what if it’s serious. “ They turn around and see a man looking at them. The man asks, “What are you doing here? Huh? It’s private property!” “Oh sorry man didn’t know, well leave.” Scrambled Dylan. Both parties turned away from each other and walked away Dylan waited out of ear distance to say, “Dude that was Derek Hoechiln! You remember right? He’s just a few years older than us. His family, they burned in a fire like ten years ago. Dude comes on.” Tyler works at an animal clinic he is just about to go disinfect his bite when he realizes it completely gone he thinks it weird but he just carrier on with his duties. He’s just about to go feed the cats but when he enters them go crazy scratching at the cage, meowing, and hissing he has no choice but to leave the room. He hears a knock on the door and sees Crystal the girl from school out there wet and crying. He opens the door and automatically starts rambling, “I didn’t see, I took my eyes of the road for two seconds to change the music and then this dog, he just came out of nowhere!” Tyler tries to calm her down but it just doesn’t work he finally says, “He, It’s alright, do you remember where it happened so I can find the dog?” “No! I mean yes, I remember where I hit it but it’s in my car. They both go to the truck of the car when they open it the dog barks and Crystal jumps back he says, “Its ok she’s just scared.” “That makes two of us.” She replied. He bends over the dog. When he looks at him, his eyes suddenly turn gold the dog immediately calms down. They bring the dog back inside.  . They lay it down on the table and Tyler examined its leg and says, “I think it’s broken, I can splint it now myself, give her a painkiller and then let the doctor take a look at it in the morning.” Crystal is soaked in rain water and looking down. “I have a shirt in my bag” Tyler offered. She replies, “Oh I don’t want to trouble you.” But Tyler pulled out the shirt from his bag and handed it to her, Crystal takes it and smiles she walk out into the hall she starts to take off her shirt when Tyler catches a glimpse of her bare back and hen looks back at the dog. The dog is looking at him he whispers, “What, I didn’t see anything.” The dog does not seem convinced. Crystal walks back in the room not shivering anymore. “Thanks for doing this, I feel really stupid.” She adds. Tyler responses, “How come?” “I don’t know? For freaking out like a girl.” Crystal responded. “Well you are a girl.” Tyler expressed. “I freaked out like a girly girl and I’m not a girly girl” she mentioned. He asked, “Then what kind of girl are you?” “Tougher than that, at least I thought I was.” Crystal said embarrassed. “I’d freak out to and probably even cry not man crying but the biggest girly girl ever.” Tyler said stated trying to cheer her up. “Yeah right” she said laughing under her breath. Tyler finishes wrapping the dog’s leg when he notices an eyelash on her cheek he mentions it and she tries to whip it away but it’s still there. Tyler reaches out gently and whips it away. Tyler mentions, “Um…..So I was wondering—I mean—is it really Family Night on Friday or do you think you’d like to go with me?” she shot him a curious look of how he knew that. Then she said, “Family Night was a total night. “So it that a yes.” He asked nerves and excited at the same time. “Definitely yes!” she answered. Tyler is tearing down the road on is bike; a huge smile nearly splits his face. He is so excited but hat feeling doesn’t last long he notices a large silhouette and he slams on his brakes on the slipper rainy road. The silhouette stops to Tyler notices that and pedals as fast as he can he looks over and its going the same speed as him. He pedals harder and harder steel chains threatening to come off. The shadow slows letting him get ahead. He looks back and sees a blur cross the road his eyes follow it and its right beside him again then it disappears. He looks on both sides of the road and nothing he looks in front of him and a giant eighteen-wheeler is heading straight towards him.   . The bike skidded under the truck. The truck stopped and he driver got out of the car. He didn’t see anyone just the bike then he looked on top of the truck and there Tyler was crotched like a cat. “What the heck,” the truck driver said stunned. Tyler sat there out of breath; he was too stunned to even answer. The next day their at lacrosse practice Dylan hurries to Tyler “Tyler, wait up, you got to hear this.” Dylan screamed running towards him. “I’m playing the first elimination, Dylan can’t it wait?” “Just wait. I overheard my dad on the phone. The fiber analysis report came back from LA and they found animal hair on the body they found in the woods.” Dylan said. Tyler replied, “Dylan, I have to go!” “You’re not going to believe what kind of animal it was-“Dylan expressed. By the rime Dylan finished his sentence Tyler already put his helmet on and disappeared into the crowd of lacrosse players leaving Dylan to say the next thing all to him, “It was a wolf.” Coach screamed to gather all the players around. Tyler glances over to the bleacher were students and parents are gathered. He spots Crystal sitting next to Holland she passes a quick wave and a smile his way he lifts up his hand to pass one back when coach asks, “You got a question, Posey?” “What?” Tyler scrambles “You raised your hand.” Coach said. Tyler responded, “No I was just um…… Sorry.” “All right, you know how this goes. If you don’t make the cut, you’re most likely warming the bench the rest of the season, but make fist string and you play. Your parents proud, your girlfriend loves you, everything else is cream cheese. Now let’s see what you got.” The whistle blows and the games begin. The pace is fast and brutal. When the ball gets passed to Tyler, Colton comes right after him. Lacrosse stick smacks down on his gloves, Tyler tumbles forward and slams to the ground, kicking up dirt all around him. The whistle blows and stops the play. Tyler looks up and sees Colton peering over him he bends down and picks up the ball and shots a look at him. His teeth clench behind is mask, Tyler pushes himself up of the ground. The coach blows the whistle signaling the next play. Tyler and Colton find themselves staring across from each other, crotched down with their sticks waiting for the assistant coach to drop the ball. At the whistle, Tyler moves with shocking speed, grabbing the ball from right under Colton. At the side lines Dylan stands up and slowly moving up the sidelines watching. Tyler charges the length of the feild. Defese lashes out but that not enough to stop Tyler he parries expertly. Colton catches up and makes a furious stab at stealing the ball. Tyler twists the lacrosse stick keeping the ball tightly in the pocket while ha literally flips forward leaping rightover the heads of the denfense players. Feet landing on the turf, he whirls around, toss the ball in an over the shoulder pass to the goalie right into the net. the crowd in the blechers roar with cheer. Crystal on her feet with everyone else excpect for Dylan. "Posey, get over her!" Coach yelled from across the feild. He trots over to him with everyones eyes on him. The coach said,"What in the name of God was that, Your trying out for the lacrosse team not the gymnastics team." Tyler looked at him in shock and said,"No coach,"Then what the hack was that." Coach announced, Tyler utered,"I-I don't know coach. I was just trying to make the shot." then Coach said, "Well, you made the shot and you know what else you made, starting line-up." Cheers erupt around him, teammate patting him on the back and knocking his helmet with their gloves, a deliriously happy Tyler doesn't even notice the fouris stare from Colton nor the worried look from Dylan.                                                                         


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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